bicareful, zenith inat with air thermovalve: vibration caused banjo bolt lost


Quousque tandem...?
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BIO - 43°15'46.5"N 2°56'03.7"W

a friends car,

banjo bolt get loose due to vibrations in carb A...

but carb B: ...nada....gone

Has this happened to anyone else? I don't think we should jump to action and modify based on an N=1. We leave that to our politicians.
Here is a tech question, is a standard bolt, 8.8? so hard that it needs a special drill bit?
What about the wire, anything special? Stainless I assume, but needs to be malleable?
Here is a tech question, is a standard bolt, 8.8? so hard that it needs a special drill bit?
What about the wire, anything special? Stainless I assume, but needs to be malleable?
There is wire specifically made for this, as well as a pliers that make the process easier. I've been looking to pick up some in case I needed to secure some fasteners and have been lucky enough to come across wire and pliers at two estates sales for bargain prices.

Here's how to do it:

Here is an example of what you might find for supplies, though I'm not advocating making the richest man even richer.
I have lots of aviation grade safety wire and will send a few feet to whoever needs it. The wire and an example of the pliers are below.

You can by cheaper safety wire pliers online.

Even cheaper

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