Bike Riders

That is the scary part. Earbuds and texting relates to both motorists and bicyclers. A toxic mix. Driving down Rt 128, I have routinely seen a driver swerve into my lane as their head bobs down to read or respond to a text. It is dangerous driving a small car much less a motorcycle or bicycle.

Yes in massachusetts use of turn signals is a sign of weakness.
Obviously the Californian below relocated from Boston area

A couple related stories.

Some years ago the daughter of a friend was hit and killed by a local commuter train in broad daylight. The hypothesis is she was talking a short cut (used by many classmates) but wa either listening to loins music or texting and didn't notice the train was so close or moving so fast.

A few years ago I looked up into my rear view to see a guy come up one me super fast. This was in a 25 zone and the guy had to be doing 45-50. The scary thing is that he was 50% on the wrong side of an already very narrow road. So, he looks up, hits the brakes, gets back into the lane, and rides my bumper for the next 100 yards to a stop sign. I get out and walk up to the open driver side window to find a well dressed, middle aged, "dad" type with his Iphone in his lap and clearly in the middle of a text. I live on this road and walk my dog there every day. I let him have a piece of my kind and drive off.

What I think ill do is buy a dash cam that has both front/rear facing camera and send videos of this stuff to the local authorities. It'll also help when the irate other driver gets out and tries to deck me... Then I'll get to visit BavBob in the ER!
I think it is more than this. I think many of these folks would prefer to do away with cars. They view riding bikes and impeding traffic as a political statement. In DC, where I often must drive, riders often ride in traffic lanes even when there are bicycle lanes. I think these folks would perfectly happy banishing cars from the city.

It's all about personal empowerment. If you can get someone else yield or give way to you, you are demonstrating you have more power. Why else would Peds in Cambridge make eye contact and then very deliberately look AWAY from oncoming traffic before jaywalking in to moving traffic? I see this as one of the ugly sides of the human race and common among egotistical youths who hunger for credibility via meaningless actions. But, I'm also more than happy to hit the brakes as some of these people will eventually achieve enlightenment as they get older, and become net positives to society.
A couple related stories.

Some years ago the daughter of a friend was hit and killed by a local commuter train in broad daylight. The hypothesis is she was talking a short cut (used by many classmates) but wa either listening to loins music or texting and didn't notice the train was so close or moving so fast.

A few years ago I looked up into my rear view to see a guy come up one me super fast. This was in a 25 zone and the guy had to be doing 45-50. The scary thing is that he was 50% on the wrong side of an already very narrow road. So, he looks up, hits the brakes, gets back into the lane, and rides my bumper for the next 100 yards to a stop sign. I get out and walk up to the open driver side window to find a well dressed, middle aged, "dad" type with his Iphone in his lap and clearly in the middle of a text. I live on this road and walk my dog there every day. I let him have a piece of my kind and drive off.

What I think ill do is buy a dash cam that has both front/rear facing camera and send videos of this stuff to the local authorities. It'll also help when the irate other driver gets out and tries to deck me... Then I'll get to visit BavBob in the ER!

(Here I go again). I think our society is encouraging people not to pay attention when they drive. With Auto manufacturers advertising all the things the car will do for you, myriad forms of electronic entertainment available in transit, local governments taking the discretion out of driving (e.g., controlling all left hand turns), longer and longer waits at red lights, etc., etc.; I think this all conspires to send the message that its is ok to only pay attention sporadically when driving.

Driving is the single most dangerous thing most of us do on a regular basis, and our bodies are not designed to handle the physics of car accidents.

Cars are machines, and any time people are around machines they need to be aware of them. You do not get close to any spinning mechanism with loose flowing clothing, you do not operate cutting tools without eye protection, and you don't walk in front of a speeding car. Yes, machines have safety features, but that doesn't absolve us from exercising common sense (or what should be common sense) around them.
I do believe some riders are making a political statement but it is somewhat prejudice to view all drivers alike as it is to view all riders alike. Mayor Menino made the statement "The car is no longer King in Boston"............somewhat arrogant since he got driven everywhere and traffic was cleared for him.

When my boys were small we were driving and my eldest, about 7 at the time says "Hey Dad what's a Masshole". I looked in shock, then he pointed to the bumper sticker on the car in front of us. Kids starting calling each other that and I said you have to wait to use the term till you drive here.

Motorcycle versus car. Motorcyclist helmet was trashed but his head was fine. His helmet said "Helmet laws suck".................
Entertaining thread.
The Portlandia clip made me laugh, thx, think I knew a few of those types.

As a retired SF bike messenger (who never had a whistle, lol!) from the days before fax's, cell phones and helmets, the relation between cars, bikes and pedestrians has to be one of mutual understanding, support and cooperation. There were days when everyone flowed together and got along swimmingly, and there were days of utter chaos (ie: '89 Loma Prieda Earthquake).

I was successful and survived unscathed. I attribute that to being aware of my surroundings at all times. Followed instincts, error-ed on the side of caution and lived to see another day....but there were moments....

Each class (car, ped, bike) has its equal share of idiots and do-gooders. No one class has any more rights than the other (except emergency vehicles). Everyone has the right to get where they're going, and their rights end at the tip of another's wheel, nose or bumper.
Regardless of who is correct, bikes/peds will always lose to a car, just basic physics as previously stated. Enforcing your rights just ain't worth a trip to the ER....

So, if you are on the road or trail, walking, biking or driving, its very simple: pay attention, be aware of conditions and surroundings, know your equipment and limitations and be courteous (USE SIGNALS!!). Sounds simple.

Getting off soap box now and see ya around the bend ;-)