That car is still available. The seller raised the price! It is now 25 and change on craigslist San Fran. I think seller is a dealer who doesn't know what he's got. It has a Petri type steering wheel, alpina wheels, etc. Looks nice
That car is still available. The seller raised the price! It is now 25 and change on craigslist San Fran. I think seller is a dealer who doesn't know what he's got. It has a Petri type steering wheel, alpina wheels, etc. Looks nice
It's the seller's prerogative to re-offer at a higher price. I don't hear people complain when a seller lowers their asking price, except possibly from a fellow e9 owner hoping values were higher. As for that missed opportunity for M6 1988, he didn't mention if he made an offer when he first came across that ad. Time is of the essence on some of these offerings.
I don't make any offers, if I can't look at the car in person. I'll be flying over from Germany this month. One thing is for sure, there are many valuable cars out there, for $ 61 or less. That CS M88 is not even original anymore.
66toaster - I just dislike to be fooled.