Cars and watches ?

Spoiler- My friend was a LERP in Vietnam, they were issued Rolex watches, after a couple dunks in the water they stopped working- on rotation they purchased digital Timex watches, they always worked-still has his... Sorry Ramsey
I've got my father's chronometer. It's a medical model he got at graduation in 1951. It needs a CLA and a new strap. It got those scratches when he was working
on his Jaguar XK120 or Allard J2X.

Beautiful watches...

The only one I could add with any relevance is one I got from a guy along with many boxes of BMW memorabilia. It’s a Motorsport Edition for the M1.


Goodness knows, I'll never be in able to afford the M1... but, hey, I got the watch :)

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Outstanding watch! Tell more about those boxes!

Probably four big tote boxes full of old Roundel magazines (many early ones in the small, white binders), some small Alpina and Heidegger things, shift knob, key chains, many odds and ends. He was from the Virginia area, apparently a BMWCCA Chapter president, or leader. I came by them through a random post on 2002FAQ a couple of years ago.

Lorenzo started a thread many years ago talking about 13 pages long! I posted at the bottom of page 10.

Lorenzo also shows one of these M1 watches...just a small item in what must be a warehouse of memorabilia.

Ed back to our regularly scheduled program of Cars and Watches :)
Spoiler- My friend was a LERP in Vietnam, they were issued Rolex watches, after a couple dunks in the water they stopped working- on rotation they purchased digital Timex watches, they always worked-still has his... Sorry Ramsey

Pronounced Lurp as in slurp but spelled LRRP?
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
Tag Heuer hasn't had nearly enough love on this thread so here's my Carerra. I try to be just like the guys in Ford v. Ferrari and wear it while up to my elbows in grease or coolant (yes, my car does have some of both of those things:) It's actually true because I usually work on my car on light afternoons at work, so I'm in my nice clothes and forget to take the watch off. She's held up pretty well considering...

Tag Heuer hasn't had nearly enough love on this thread so here's my Carerra. I try to be just like the guys in Ford v. Ferrari and wear it while up to my elbows in grease or coolant (yes, my car does have some of both of those things:) It's actually true because I usually work on my car on light afternoons at work, so I'm in my nice clothes and forget to take the watch off. She's held up pretty well considering...

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Classic and beautiful!
They're basically little motors on your wrist! Super fun but the values are getting nutty. Used to be able to get into something for grand or under. It's getting harder now. There are still some OK deals depending on the brands...

I need a vintage watch game!
Couple more that I wear a lot while driving or traveling. The Heuer is the "Viceroy" 1163V reference from the early 70's. Great story about the marketing add behind them. You could buy them for $88 if you sent payment with 10 empty packs of Viceroy cigarettes. Normally the watch was $200. It launched the Heuer name into the mainstream US market in a big way. The Zenith is a A277 from 1969-70. It's said there were a 1000 made but they rarely turn up anymore.