I got this go kart for Christmas in 1974 at age 12, it is my all time favorite received gift. I call it my "Rosebud" in reference to Citizen Kane and it opened the floodgates on my interest in cars and engines. Today I hauled it out of the basement for its eventual restoration. I always wanted one of those cool 50cc Honda mini trail bikes (a neighborhood friend had one) but my parents said no way. I had written off any such powered vehicle until I was led into the dining room blindfolded for the reveal. There are 4 kids in the family and each year a different one got the "good present" and that was my year. Quick story: my dad was working in St. Louis and happened to drive by the Margay racing kart factory and saw this in the window and had it shipped home to NY unbeknownst to me. I once contacted Margay to see if they had any info on it, they said this model (called the Scat Cat) was one of only a handful of recreational karts they made, and only 1 was with a 5hp engine - apparently mine. The others were all 3.5hp. Before he passed away a few years ago I asked my dad why he got the 5hp one, he said he wanted me to be able to keep up with the minibikes and didn't think the 3.5hp would be fast enough! My cousin got a ticket for going 45mph in it one summer (I had removed the throttle governer). My kids grew up driving it and I hope to pass it to theirs someday. Still have the original engine (off the frame now) to rebuild and Goodyear knobby tires. I don't know where my old Peter Fonda Easy Rider american flag helmet is though. A little spot rust but otherwise in pretty good shape. Thanks dad!