Coupes going to The Vintage in NC Oct 24, 2020? Event CANCELLED

There is a thread on this already.

Please see this and respond there. Thanks

There is a thread on this already.

Please see this and respond there. Thanks

Not on Sturdy's facebook, not that I'm a facebook guy (just joined to follow the Vintage a couple of days ago...), but where did you see this May 2021? Thought it was still Fri nite at the hotel south of Asheville, and Sat in Greer?
If you are registered for the event, you should have received an email that the event has been postponed again to May 2021. Bummer. I was really looking forward to attending this event to get a break from sheltering in place because of Covid, the political climate and most recently a slow moving hurricane.
Sad news.

This is what Scott said.

The Vintage 2020 is being rescheduled to May 2021.
Well folks, I tried everything in my powers to try and make this thing happen this year, but I'm afraid it's not going to happen. As you know I was scrambling to try a venue change to the BMW factory in Greer, SC, but it just came down to several things, one being not enough time to do all the things that needed to be done. And not just done, but done right. The last thing I want to do is to slap together an event.
I really wanted to make this event the bright spot in this rather crappy year. With all the changes, this was kind of like organizing the event three times this year for me. This event is challenging enough to organize even when everything is going right, throw in COVID and the challenges were multiplied dramatically.
I started work on this thing nearly a year ago, COVID reared it's ugly head and the original date in May was not going to be a possibility. I rescheduled with another venue in NC for October (the Hot Springs venue did not have any Oct. dates available). My thoughts were "this stupid COVID thing will never last until October". DOH!. October date was approaching and NC still in Phase 2 (no more than 25 people at an outdoor event). Frantically looked to SC since they were more "open" than NC. Went through meeting with the CEO of the BMW plant in SC (super nice guy) to have a third possible venue for 2020, even went through submitting the form to SC Commerce Dept. to get an event over 250 people approved. Everything was eating up time, yet the to-do list kept growing. Things that are usually taken care of months in advance were still needing to be addressed. I'm afraid the clock beat me on this one my friends. (insert sad face emoji here)
I am going to work on rescheduling for May 2021. I will keep you posted as things develop.
>>>>>>If you are receiving this email , that means your registration or waitlist will automatically roll over to the 2021 date. You will not need to re-register. I will post an exact date as soon as I get that figured out.
I thank you all for understanding and hanging in there.
Appreciate the update. Has to be especially frustrating for the festmeister. Scott is a really good guy, and this has been his baby for many years. For everyone else, yes this does suck as well...
Sad to hear the event has been postponed until May 2021. The restoration shop told me Friday that my Coupe should be ready for the DYNO next week and I'll get to drive it home maybe next Friday. On Monday, I need to cancel the N-95 mask I was having made for the front grill.....didn't we all need to have one of them for this event in S.C.?
From Scott Sturdy:

The Vintage 2020 is being rescheduled to May 2021.

Well folks, I tried everything in my powers to try and make this thing happen this year, but I'm afraid it's not going to happen. As you know I was scrambling to try a venue change to the BMW factory in Greer, SC, but it just came down to several things, one being not enough time to do all the things that needed to be done. And not just done, but done right. The last thing I want to do is to slap together an event.

I really wanted to make this event the bright spot in this rather crappy year. With all the changes, this was kind of like organizing the event three times this year for me. This event is challenging enough to organize even when everything is going right, throw in COVID and the challenges were multiplied dramatically.

I started work on this thing nearly a year ago, COVID reared it's ugly head and the original date in May was not going to be a possibility. I rescheduled with another venue in NC for October (the Hot Springs venue did not have any Oct. dates available). My thoughts were "this stupid COVID thing will never last until October". DOH!. October date was approaching and NC still in Phase 2 (no more than 25 people at an outdoor event). Frantically looked to SC since they were more "open" than NC. Went through meeting with the CEO of the BMW plant in SC (super nice guy) to have a third possible venue for 2020, even went through submitting the form to SC Commerce Dept. to get an event over 250 people approved. Everything was eating up time, yet the to-do list kept growing. Things that are usually taken care of months in advance were still needing to be addressed. I'm afraid the clock beat me on this one my friends. (insert sad face emoji here)

I am going to work on rescheduling for May 2021. I will keep you posted as things develop.
So sorry to hear this for all who had planned to attend and enjoy 'getting together' again. There are hardly any 'car guy gathering' events this year. Hopefully, 2021 will be TOTALLY different (I can dream can't I !!!).

I think there are 2 small bright spots to this crappy year.

(1) working from home means no commute and no 100k travel miles on planes. This has given many people I know time to accelerate their car projects. It’s why I had time to in-mothball my E9 and start sorting it out. I’ve put 750 miles on it since August 1st!

(2) our local formal and informal classic car drives are seeing record numbers of participants. Folks are dying to get out and a 100 mile old car drive followed by a socially distanced picnic is a perfect way to do it responsibly. These have ranged from 4 guys to 40 car tours.

So it you are sick of sitting around detailing your paint, greasing your rattling seat slides etc, Map out a route, pack a picnic lunch and go drive with some pals.
