Craigslist BMW Finds:

I'd get too distracted by the stories in a salvage business--how did those headlights & markers survive? It is going to bug me.
BMW 700 Peoject for $2K

These almost always came with comfort seats at that time. Headlight wipers, too. Two pedal car!
These almost always came with comfort seats at that time. Headlight wipers, too. Two pedal car!

I’d say the seats are 60/40 in favor of the sports. I’ve only run into a handful with comforts (in the US). Didn’t notice the pedals :(. I would check the VIN to ensure it isn’t a euro 633.
i would check the VIN as those aren't the standard US bumpers - notice the sidemarkers that have been added higher up on the fenders (both ends) ... looks like federalization changes

i would check the VIN as those aren't the standard US bumpers - notice the sidemarkers that have been added higher up on the fenders (both ends) ... looks like federalization changes

It’s definitely a euro car with euro bumpers. It looks like a euro 635 with an m90/dogleg/lsd. The only problem I see now is the auto. I don’t think that you could buy an auto 635csi. I’ll check realoem.
sure you could Mark ... they had them all the way through the 6 series range - except the M6. at least in the US versions
Unless painted afterwards, has to be a Euro as that color was not offered in the US and in the E24 world, those are considered comfort seats. Pictures don't do the color justice. I have seen one in person.
sure you could Mark ... they had them all the way through the 6 series range - except the M6. at least in the US versions

Thanks Scott. I checked realoem, which usually seems pretty decent for 17 digit VIN cars. It doesn't have auto as an option for european 635's (at all), but does for US cars. It does become an option for euro 633's at around 1981. The last euro e24 produced was an automatic - VIN "WBAEC610101280940", which was a LACHSSILBER METALLIC, produced on 04/14/89. Realoem still doesn't show auto as an option for 04/89 so it obviously isn't correct.

With all that said I've still never seen an auto e12-based 635. Probably because nobody would pay good money to import them. :D

Unless painted afterwards, has to be a Euro as that color was not offered in the US and in the E24 world, those are considered comfort seats. Pictures don't do the color justice. I have seen one in person.

I think that there is no question that the car is euro. The seller even mentions that the text in the car is in German. Bummer that is has an auto because I agree that the color is fantastic! I love light metallic greens. Going back to realoem, you can get the last 7 from a seller and plug in the VIN. This will show if it really is a 635 or if it is a 633.
'89 wasn't an e12 based car. i presume you mean '79. i have driven an auto e12 based 633csi (us version) back in the day. realoem lists an automatic '79 e24 633csi both in US and europe

Sorry my post was confusing. We just said the same thing. I'll rephrase

  • I know that e12-based cars ended in 82, flipped around Spetember I believe.
  • I've never seen an e12-based 635csi in automatic. All e12-based 635's are euro. There weren't offered in the US at this time.
  • e12-based 633 euro cars were offered in automatic starting in '81 (per realoem anyway), but other information suggests that they were offered as early as '77 in the 630CS
  • US cars could always get automatics
  • RealOEM never shows autos as an option for euro 635's, however the last car produced in 1989 (e28-based car) was a euro auto 635 delivered to germany. This confirms that realoem is innaccurate for transmission info on euro e24's.
no worries, if i remember correctly, the us 633csi hit the market in the '79 model year. i remember seeing one at the Baton Rouge dealer. it makes sense as the 733i was a '78 US model ... as my father bought one.
I’d say the seats are 60/40 in favor of the sports. I’ve only run into a handful with comforts (in the US). Didn’t notice the pedals :(. I would check the VIN to ensure it isn’t a euro 633.
I think that that car is a MY 1980. I have been searching for a high spec earlier m90 dogleg car for a while now and I have found that sport seats are rare. The later Motronic cars seem to have them as often as you mentioned. An early Ljet m90 dogleg car that isn't gray or red with headlight wipers, striping, f/r spoilers AND sport seats, never federalized seems to elude me. I mean, I have been looking for about a week now, how much longer????