CSL Restoration ... Do we know that car and it's history?

uh-oh...another amateur attempts to restore an e9/potential CSL. Travesty ensues...

This guy may not know e9’s, but he is by no means an amateur. Even this e9 video has some helpful fabrication tips. His other videos are quite informative. I think another difference here is that he is being fully transparent about not knowing. He says that he will tack it on, continue to research etc. IMO, it’s better to see and hear this than seeing the finished product on IG. :)
Perhaps, but the condition of that car really requires more than a bit of research and some skills. I'd argue experience with other e9s/CSL may trump said research. Especially when it's so difficult to get CSL owners/ restorers to openly discuss the intricate details on CSL construction and features. My 2-cents...
Perhaps, but the condition of that car really requires more than a bit of research and some skills. I'd argue experience with other e9s/CSL may trump said research. Especially when it's so difficult to get CSL owners/ restorers to openly discuss the intricate details on CSL construction and features. My 2-cents...

Totally agree on assembly. CSL construction itself is not any different than 3.0CS construction. Just having a reference car show up is likely enough for a skilled metal worker.

Assembly is another thing altogether though. This is where 99% of the shops including dedicated BMW shops fall short.
We will not change the story of that car probably.

Some have put a comment to the guy to appear and take the experience from E9coupe Forum. Not sure he will appear and take the advantage as I believe he could me it right. It is however requiring to be open for critique but he seems not to be.

It is very possible this car will end as another poorly restored E9... It is a pity it is a CSL but in the end every classic car worth detailed restoration to represent the era it was produced in.

Was the ALPINA original or added text on the side black stripes?
Hello, so far you are doing great, you are talented guy, but it is going to be lots of work to put this nice car together, CSL is pricey what you have it is over 300K car when is completed, and every year price is going up, so no mater how long will take to completed.
I think we need to apply a little generosity of spirit here. He seems toknow what he is doing and I cannot see, at least so far, what he is doing wrong. Even the best restorers had a first E9 but that doesn't mean it was done badly.
I'm not sharing it to show his lack of professionalism. I'm not the one to judge his work.

It was just to document in some form another CSL being under restoration. Nothing more.

BTW It was advised to The Author few times to appear actively on E9 Forum for proper hints during his process of restoration.