Does the W&N exhaust system come with headers?


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Northern California coast
I did a quick translation via Google Translate and got this result.

"Stainless steel exhaust system 2.5 CS / CSA, 2800CS / CSA, 3.0 CS / CSA and CSI / CSL complete with trousers pipes without mounting material for left-hand steering models is required once per car"

Trousers pipes?

What you see is what you get, I was a bit dissapointed when I got my system home, as I expected that I would get headers/manifolds.
The thing is, I had a discussion over email with them before buying, and I specifically asked if the manifolds were included in the kit, the answer was that stainless manifolds were included.
I contacted them after I got the system, and as you suspected in your previous post, they mean the downpipes, not manifolds. I don't understand why they haven't corrected that error on their site yet.
Otherwise the exhaust system is perfect!

I don't understand why they haven't corrected that error on their site yet.

this is because they really don't react that directly in regards to any customer complains. And this for sure is because they sell their stuff anyways ....

There were a lot of things, that really pissed me off dealing with them, but of course I'm still buying some certain parts there due to missing alternatives.
But you learn what kinda parts you better keep away from (all rubber parts are suspect i.e. imho).

The exhaust system should be OK so far, even if it doesn't contains any headers of course. I only heard, that the diameter of the pipes are sticking to the specs of the 2800 CS.

If you spend a bit more of your cash, you'd get a complete system WITH headers from Wolfgang Wurm (just check this out (nmna btw.):

Specs for the pipe diameter sticking to a 3,0 CS(i). Missing middle muffler though.
Cost for this is something around 1600,- €.
So I decided to ask them about it directly. I got a reply this morning:


Dear Mr. Struye,

sorry for the misunderstanding. the downpipes in stainless steel are included, not the headers.

we will change the description on our website.

Best regards

Albrecht Walloth
In fairness , I have always found Walloths to be fair and reasonable . I ordered a "non specific " part that turned out to be specific to LHD ...emailed Albrecht and he sent RHD part by Express , no questions asked at no cost . Part detail on their website was subsequently amended to LHD accordingly.

I daresay we may have issues with Walloths from time to time but I shudder to think what my restoration would have cost to date if I bought everything through local BMW rule of thumb , when I bothered, was about a 300% more .

So, given the size of the "specialty " market they serve and the savings generally , I'm inclined to cut them a bit of slack.
In fairness , I have always found Walloths to be fair and reasonable . I ordered a "non specific " part that turned out to be specific to LHD ...emailed Albrecht and he sent RHD part by Express , no questions asked at no cost . Part detail on their website was subsequently amended to LHD accordingly.

I daresay we may have issues with Walloths from time to time but I shudder to think what my restoration would have cost to date if I bought everything through local BMW rule of thumb , when I bothered, was about a 300% more .

So, given the size of the "specialty " market they serve and the savings generally , I'm inclined to cut them a bit of slack.

I agree 100%
Looks like the description has now been corrected. All good.

Stainless steel exhaust system compl. 2,5CS/CSA, 2800CS/CSA, 3.0 CS/CSA and CSI/CSL incl. downpipes without mounting kit only for LHD models you need 1 for 1 car
For those of us with rhd, have a look ar Fritz Bitz in the uk.
I got a complete system from the block to the tail pipe in stainless with all the mountings ect, fitted up easily and sounds great. Not sure if they do lhd but easy to check.

John I have the fritzbits system on my coupe with Alpina headers. It is not loud and sounds great! Made in Dover and is nice quality.
Hi OC,
I am looking to order the Fritz stainless exhaust (did my best to compare with W&N and Cargraphics) and am wondering if you felt any noticeable power improvement? Good to hear you are satisfied with it!
Hi OC,
I am looking to order the Fritz stainless exhaust (did my best to compare with W&N and Cargraphics) and am wondering if you felt any noticeable power improvement? Good to hear you are satisfied with it!

John I can't say that I did or didn't since I installed the exhaust on a fresh untested engine; so I don't have any frame of reference before vs after. They do state a 19% increase in flow over stock.
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