E3 Bavaria 1973 Upholstery questions

I will talk to the upholstery guy. It is vinyl and clearly heat pressed wilt a mold of some type.
FYI if some C S. owner needs panels of this color, he can probably get these cheap from WU.
The front of the Panels are made up of three sections: waffle material, the smooth vinyl, and the lined part. I can’t 61 inch lines on the front door panel. WU apparently has a press that heats these three sections together to form one. WU does not make just the lined part. So I have two of the three sections.
I’m aware that Alvaro makes the cardboard fracking, I do not need that. Is he telling me? Álvaro, do you also make the vinyl side as well?
my upholsterer did it, and joined them with a heat iron
How does the wiring safety belt warning work?
Is it installed in the driver's seat?

Captura de pantalla 2023-11-07 a la(s) 5.27.38 p. m..png