E3 Bavaria window sticker


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Athens, Georgia
Very cool! Your car? Weatherford is still selling BMWs in Berkeley. $650 for the radio?? By the SN it is a 72/73 4 speed Bavaria. $10,000 then is $75,000 today
Not mine. Pulled from a current car for sale ad. There are more of these posted somewhere on this site but I couldn't find them to add this one. I've found them useful for historical reference.
Tool kit as an extra option?! Was the importer playing fast and loose to raise a few extra $$ on each sale...?
If Max Hoffman's name is at the top of the window sticker, assume you are paying for everything find, add, and list. Sure, he brought the Bavaria in at $4,999. but he would have charged for the heater if he could have gotten away with it.
Another sticker, this from a '74 3.0S. Note the former options that are now standard -- along with the price bump. Still gotta charge for that antifreeze.

Interesting what you DID NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR then that was "Standard Equiptment." "Constan air flow vent" "Mileage Counter" "Heater and Defroster"

So now it is a 3.0 S with a couple of added goodies, all for and additional $2,794. Imagine the sticker price if it was an Si. Max was growing more creative by the month.
I have the invoice of the 1972 Bavaria my father purchased in April 1972. It had everything listed in the first post except metallic paint (it was Atlantic Blue), and the total price was $6946. Pricing leaped up every year for the Bavaria. He traded in a 1968 Firebird convertible (350HO, 4 speed with Hurst shifter) and received $1000 for it.
I know we are all BMW fans here, but I would like to have that 1968 firebird in my garage too.
I have a 68 Mustang GT convertible in my garage - parked right next to my Coupe and E23 and... such. Mustang looks wonderful in the company of my other cars I have.
That car was what I drove in high school. Had it since 1979.
The Mustang was restored about 20 years ago now... from 2005 to 2006. Totally redone. All new suspension bits, new motor, trans and EVERYTHING. Bought a 30' enclosed car trailer because of that car.
That kind of restoration.
Still drove like a POS after all that work. LOL
Makes awesome noises and is fun in its own way. But - not a car I would want to take down HWY 1 to Big Sur (although I did that LOTS of times when in lived in MRY).

My 1973 2002 that had never been 'restored' and had over 150,000 miles on it would drive circles around the Mustang. I called the steering wheel on the Mustang a 'suggestion device' - LOL Compared to that car, the 2002 drove like a surgical instrument. And that is true even after the Mustang's restoration. :)

But - I get it. Literally - and why the Mustang is in my garage still while I let go of the 2002.
Nothing like cruising around with the top down on a nice summer or fall afternoon.