Yes, Dick, all these things took some arranging and really has only been finalized this weekend, which was when you would have got the note from the club.The Wondercars are still in the Seattle area. I received an eMail from the Puget Sound Chapter of the GMWCCA alerting members to two upcoming local showings of the cars. The following is an excerpt from the email...
Opportunity #1: The Seattle Auto Show
The Wundercars will be featured at the Seattle Auto Show from November 10-13. If you’re planning on attending the show, you will have an opportunity to see the Wundercar Collection there. Tickets and full information at the show website.
Opportunity #2: Private Showing
A much better opportunity to see the Wundercar Collection will be a private showing held at BMW Seattle on Sunday, November 20, from 9:00 to 11:00 am. This is the two-hour window before the dealership’s showroom opens for business.
The cost for the private showing is $10 per person plus a non-perishable food donation for Food Lifeline.
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Christian Zschocke with his Wundercars
Hope you will be coming to the club event, we will be raising money for the BMW CCA Foundation, as well as food for Lifeline as mentioned
Christoph, very happy to look after them and store them for Christian, he truly is a wonderful guy and as we mentioned on another post, what a terrible situation he was left with, I was more than happy I had the room (just enough, literally full to the brim now

The Wundercars look at home with their many Motorsport siblings