East Coast Coupe Fest


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Newmarket, New Hampshire
Well this could be the closest we get to an East Coast Coupe Fest...
I was speaking with one of the owners of Bav Auto. He owns a 3.0CSi
I asked if Bav Auto would sponsor a coupe fest some time in the summer and he said no BUT, he would talk to the other owner to see if they could sequester a Coupe Corral for our CS Coupes. I suspect we could get close to a dozen coupes there if we got the word out. The first Sunday in October. Cool crisp weather, the coupes won't overheat :D

Me, Tod, Duane's Alpina, Jello from ME?, maybe bfeng, John from Gilmanton, the guy from Turner motor sport, Mario's group 5 replica, Chuck iconoclast6, ny30cs, adawil2002 and Ed G

Who else???
Hi Stan,
I can think of a few more:
- Mike in central MA with a black coupe has been around for a few years.
- Chuck from Burlington, VT who brought in a Fjord coupe into the region last summer (?)
- A 2000CS from near Manchester, NH - sorry forgot his name
- my own SpruceMoose
- And, Rob the hack mechanic.
I'm sure I'll remember more later.

Just throwing this out, but how about an informal get-together-and-drive? Following the model of the Targa Calif. or the Monte (which have been documented on this site) or the NE Mtn Melee run by the Early 911 guys: meet up with like-minded gearheads, drive somewhere like the White Mtns or the Lakes Region, and grab dinner/drinks afterwards. Just a thought.

Also, for those relatively nearby or willing to drive a bit, a few people around the Dartmouth College area are talking about trying to start a Cars and Coffee-like gathering on Main St. in Hanover. I'll post any news here if or when this goes past the talking stage.
The last time I was at the BavAuto Show and Shine in 2010 there was only 1 Coupe, peyton place's '74 CSi. 2011, I missed due to torrential rain.

Like the idea of an informal group of East Coast/New England owners, Nor'E9, or NE Coupe Group.

Once MikeS's '73 is done, count him in too.
I know of at least 3 more locally to MikeS and me.

A model for the Coupe Group:
Nor'East 02ers are an informal group. The rules are if you drive an '02 you're in. Have about 3 drive/picnic/BBQs through the year punctuated by the usual shows, Larz, Saratoga, Lime Rock, BavAuto.

I am in!... If some good soul will take the lead on the arrangements I will offer my assistance and participation!
Can you make it a bit further south?

Hi East Coasters!

I routinely drive with 4-6 coupes in the Philadelphia-Central New Jersey area. We'd be happy to join you but New Hampshire is a bit of a hike. However, several of us also own 2002's and we all drive to Lime Rock for the vintage races (and the '02 Fest East). I suspect that, if you could move the gathering place a bit further south, a contingent of coupes from the Mid-Atlantic region would come.

Just a thought...
I was thinking LarryE9E10 thoughts as I read this thread. We could possibly draw 6-7 if the venue was further south. What about Lime Rock? or somewhere in Westchester County NY?

There are even some guys in the Baltimore area who might??? venture north.
Two years ago at a local car show we had nine coupes present. Amazing

I will find a way to do a simple poll, a few choices of locations and dates, then we can see what draws the most attention. I heard an application called Survey Monkey and will suggest done ideas and welcome feedback and participation. I go to Lime Rock for the Vintage Festival in September.
got bored last night

so, I made a mock-up of a non-existent (yet) tour. Sorry about any incorrect German grammar, I haven't spoken/written it for many years. now, we just need a place to meet....

Poll for the 2012 North East CoupeFest

Hope this works... I have setup an online poll with several events to align a gathering of coupes in the North East in 2012.....

You can vote once... I hope you can see the poll when you click this link...


If not... here are the choices I came up with...

Which event would you like to align the North East CoupeFest of 2012 with?
O Around June 2 for the Greenwich CT Concours
O Around July 15 for the Boston MA BMW CCA Concours
O Around August 31 for the Limerock CT Vintage Festival
O Around October 7 for the Portsmouth NH Bavarian Show

Thanks for the invite. I hope my car is ready in time (poor man's version of Duane's Alpina).
Zero chance of a CSL for a while. Worst case, would it be blasphemy to bring an old Jag? I promise it'll keep up.
Thanks for the invite. I hope my car is ready in time (poor man's version of Duane's Alpina).
Zero chance of a CSL for a while. Worst case, would it be blasphemy to bring an old Jag? I promise it'll keep up.

a sixties XKE or an XK 140 would be cool! ;)
Hope this works... I have setup an online poll with several events to align a gathering of coupes in the North East in 2012.....

You can vote once... I hope you can see the poll when you click this link...


If not... here are the choices I came up with...

Which event would you like to align the North East CoupeFest of 2012 with?
O Around June 2 for the Greenwich CT Concours
O Around July 15 for the Boston MA BMW CCA Concours
O Around August 31 for the Limerock CT Vintage Festival
O Around October 7 for the Portsmouth NH Bavarian Show

I picked the CCA concours first but would go to LimeRock. I spoke with one of the owners at Bav Auto who owns a CSi, he may be able to swing a coupe corral! If the weather is good (alway chancy in October) I will likely be there anyway
I am confused(nothing new). I had the impression from the early posts that this would be a gathering of coupes only. It would not be connected to some "big event" where we would be a really small part of some much larger show/meet.
Fine if we add Bavarias and 2002s and of course cars like 507s are more than welcome.
I guess I envisioned something like the "Vintage" event in Winston Salem over the holiday weekend. Of course we would not get nearly as many cars. At least the first year. But it could grow.

Just a bit older...

and horrible for inclement weather (leaks like crazy and heater is often likened to an old hag wheezing on your ankle)


  • meredith_rear.jpg
    69.5 KB · Views: 196
That is one beautiful old hag who can wheeze on my ankle or any other body part any time she wants.