Euro 1969 BMW 2.8CS 4-Speed

Your post indicates you are a person who sweats the a perfect E9 owner. I think you will be looking for this car in 20 years if you sell it. Life does slow down and wives can change their minds. Tell me as you took all those photos you did not have a flood of good memories? Just my two cents.
Your post indicates you are a person who sweats the a perfect E9 owner. I think you will be looking for this car in 20 years if you sell it. Life does slow down and wives can change their minds. Tell me as you took all those photos you did not have a flood of good memories? Just my two cents.
I have pictures of the car with my dad and I myself as a child.i was tearing up as I was taking the pics. I have dragged the car around with us the last 10 years and my promise to my wife was not to restore untill we have the extra money. So my wife sees it as taking up space, money and I don't drive to work and we cannot rely on it as a third vehicle. We are currently looking for a home to buy and raise our son in and this money would go to things like closing cost and such. I am out of options. If I can't sell it to someone who appreciates it I'll have to sell it to a used car shop. It's sad but that's where we are at right now.
I sold my first e9 in a similar situation although not a family heirloom. I was able to buy another later in the family raising cycle. Keep in touch with the new owner(s) and perhaps one day you can buy it back. GLWS
A quick affirmation for Gus, his story and his sincerity around the presentation of the car.

We bought some parts from him numerous years ago when the car was in the Bay Area and it was a smooth experience.