Excellent Tesla Cybertruck review - Jason Cammisa

Impressive. The son asks Elon if trucks could be designed with a novel approach. The father produces a truck that is the quickest vehicle on earth. I wish I could be a father that can deliver all my children's wishes.

One may object to Musk on other grounds, but check the paternity of the VW Beetle and the Porsche 356 for calibration :).
I am very impressed by the Cyber Truck in many ways, other than the way it looks. I think it is the ugliest car/truck ever made. Not sure it will ever grow on me. Not an Elon fan, but many of my close friends are, and I just don’t get it. He’s clearly brilliant, but has no filter and thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Just saying.
The lowriders got'em hopping already...

I guess I am the only one who likes that an Elon exists...to lose money on twitter and get under the skin of MSM (My true enema) I am very impressed with the steering system. . One review I read summed it up with this headline "Elon Musk has made a vehicle perfect for just one customer base: crypto millionaires looking to show off as they cruise through Miami"