Front suspension... where do these go?


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Northern California coast
I looked in realoem and on my disassembly photos and I can’t figure out where the two approximately 80mm steel disks go. They have a hole in the center which fits the upper part of the shock absorber so I thought they came from there but I find no trace of them in the parts diagram...
And while we are at it, on that page, what is the difference between #1 and #2? 2 seems to be the rubber pad but then what is #1? My car did not have anything there.

Any thought? Thank you

These guys:


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Just speculation from my side, could the steel discs be part# 13 in the diagram? I dont have them on my car, so I’m not sure at all.
Thank you Robert and Don. Now that I look at it it seems obvious that it is indeed number 13! Doh!
But then that means that it will sits right under and against the main cup #3? Is there no gasket or washer in between them? I assume some grease should at least be put in there, no?

As far as #1 and 2, I see what you mean, Don. The diagram isn’t clear that the spring goes between the two. I thought it was trying to say that they were together at the top.
Aha! No 13 either! I thought it was just no 14. Ok that makes more sense. I suppose 13 was there to “cup” the foam bumper 14 on the original setup.
Thank you Don!
Dang. One more mystery part... I have these two cup washers in my front strut parts box. They look like they would be going outside of a bearing to keep the grease clean but referring to that same schematic above I don’t see any mention of it. I’m guessing it’s going on the upper strut bearing, but above or below?

Thank you.


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So to wrap this thread, this is the order of parts for a bilstein set up. (Springs not shown)


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Doing the same job and that is how I have it set up also....except is that a neoprene washer (7th from the right)???? that I don't have that!
Crap. I had a feeling it would be a good idea to post a pic of all the parts for confirmation and here is why... So the cup one is on the diagram after all. I guess I need to take my struts all apart again.
But where does that "nylon" one with a slit go then?
And Don, which pic is wrong? Then one on the WN page you linked?
I have never seen a nylon washer.
I believe You have the order correct in the pic.