FS: Reproduction Tail Light Lenses

Hi Stan,
Are there the rear tail lights still available? I have just finished having my engine bay, etc. reworked, and am looking for a painter. The lenses would be installed when that process is done. Can you send me a picture of the lenses and when they would be available, and the cost? Thanks.
Hi, I'm not ready for this final stage, are these available throughout the year or is it buy now as no idea about the return?
Let me know when you are ready.
I have 2 sets available now and can get more.
Also can get you a pair mounted in freshly chromes frames for a lot more money though.
I am re-starting this thread to avoid confusion.
It really should have been here for a year at least :confused:

I can get lenses with red or amber turn signal indicators
I can get lenses with clear or amber (French style ooo la la) brake lights
I send installation instructions
This does NOT include frames or bulb housing

Based on my experience with the guy making them, you are a year away. These lenses are very difficult to form properly and all the work is done by hand. Frankly I am amazed he charges so little. The bottom line is I get about 10 sets of lenses every 6 months or so. I can put you on the list. There are 80 on the list but I have sold to about 30 so far.

The manufacturer (craftsman?) informed me of a price increase on the next batch so they will be about $315.oo for a full set (six pieces) plus delivery which in the continental USA has been about $15.00. So far I haven't needed to buy boxes or packing material.

Reproduction lenses in re-chromed frames
I am re-starting this thread to avoid confusion.
It really should have been here for a year at least :confused:

I can get lenses with red or amber turn signal indicators
I can get lenses with clear or amber (French style ooo la la) brake lights
I send installation instructions
This does NOT include frames or bulb housing

Based on my experience with the guy making them, you are a year away. These lenses are very difficult to form properly and all the work is done by hand. Frankly I am amazed he charges so little. The bottom line is I get about 10 sets of lenses every 6 months or so. I can put you on the list. There are 80 on the list but I have sold to about 30 so far.

The manufacturer (craftsman?) informed me of a price increase on the next batch so they will be about $315.oo for a full set (six pieces) plus delivery which in the continental USA has been about $15.00. So far I haven't needed to buy boxes or packing material.

Reproduction lenses in re-chromed frames
I like to get one set.
Bonjour, je restaure ma voiture et j'aurai voulu un jeu complet de lentille version France. Les cadres ont été restaurés et chromé.
J'habite en France, pourriez-vous me donner le tarif livrer.
Cordialement TM83
Salutations! J'ai un set prêt à envoyer. L'ensemble contiendra des lentilles de feu de secours ambrées. Merci de répondre avec votre adresse postale.
Bonjour Merci. Se sont des lentilles comme celle ci qu'il me faudrait.
Voici mon adresse en France.
Thierry Moisson
EMA Création ZA Acti Sud Les Castors


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