Help Me Sort This M30B35 Engine Harness

Thank you very much for your support! You’ve been a big help. I know I ask a lot of questions!

I’ve got all the tape off and I’m removing all the stuff I don’t need. I’ve got a much smaller Weather Pack style plug to replace the X20. I’m depinning the connectors that I don’t need in the DME plug and I’ve got new injector plugs on the way.

My last question was just about the diagnostic plug, which I think, from reading your responses, just needs all wiring depinned and removed. I was just trying to confirm that it didn’t interface with anything that I would need to keep. You’ve been a huge help and I’m sure that I can confirm that through the E28 forum.

Thanks again for posting all of this info. Hopefully this thread will be a great resource for others.
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When removing the diagnostic plug from the 1.3 harness, can I just cut out all the wiring connected to it, or do I have to leave anything?

Is the O2 sensor data accessible from the diagnostic port? If so, I would keep that. I have no intention using or reading literature on motronic conversions, just thinking out loud.
Is the O2 sensor data accessible from the diagnostic port? If so, I would keep that. I have no intention using or reading literature on motronic conversions, just thinking out loud.

Nope. It doesn’t seem to have any connection. I’m definitely losing it.
The only things of any consequence in the diag connector are +12, GND, starter solenoid for remote starting, tach output and ALT charging for testing purposes. If none of these are of interest to you, call a mohel.
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We need people like you, because it's how people like me line our pockets with your hard earned cash. Thanks in advance!

People like me haven’t been to the mechanic in 25 years, unless the fix is warranty related.

What I do know is that I would never go to a mechanic who spoke about customer engagements this way. Fortunately I’ve only heard one e9 mechanic speak this way, and he doesn’t own his own shop.
Markos, the idea that you think that I would interact with a customer using frankness that I used in that comment means you took the comment far too literally. Regarless of that fact, the message is still the same. Do the research, become valuable, and people will need your skills. And as the pool of people that know how to assemble these cars become smaller, expect to pay a lot more than what it cost to do something even a year or two ago. Those with the knowledge and skills to work on vintage BMWs are aging out, retiring, getting out of the business and they aren't training their replacements because there aren't any. Parts are getting too hard to find because what was available yesterday is NLA today. Everything that was just part of the job is now labor intensive and becoming specialized work.
For anyone like me that is still willing to do the restorations and swaps and whatever else and are qualified to do it, you're going to pay what we ask because that's what it costs. Period.
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When removing the diagnostic plug from the 1.3 harness, can I just cut out all the wiring connected to it, or do I have to leave anything?

Be sure any wires you NEED as mentioned above that goes through the diag plug, that you splice them together.