Help: trunk will not unlock

Luis A.

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I'm out at a show and of course I have all my goodies in the trunk and can't open it. The lock rotates fine by in both positions, horizontal and vertical, the button just pushes freely w no resistance as when the trunk is locked.

Any ideas...?
I saw this happen to a contestant with a beautiful dark blue CS at the 1995 CCA Oktoberfest in Breckenridge. I was there in the company of the BMW Honolulu master tech Alf Schneider, who immediately knew what had happened.

Apparently the bit attached to the inside of the lock cylinder had become loose and rotated to a position that it was no longer striking the latch release. His advice was to keep trying, trying and sooner or later if you were lucky, the bit would catch the release and you'd open the trunk.

The owner was frantic but took his advice and push push push for less than a minute or so and VOILA the trunk unlatched. I have a photo of the owner somewhere doing a major kowtow to Alf, who took it all in stride. Great guy. The car owner had less than a half hour to go before judging and needed to clean up a few things.

Soooo... keep trying. If there is another coupe in the vicinity you can look at the latch mechanism and see just what you're trying to achieve.

This has come up before (a long time ago) and back then, one suggestion was made that one could remove the trunk roundel and the mounting bit, stick a length of wire in there, and somehow jigger the latch so it would open. I dunno.... and never tried it.

None of the proposed or real solutions had anything to do with locking or unlocking the trunk. Obviously it won't unlock if the thing is locked. Maybe fiddling with the key position will help, dunno. I haven't looked at the mechanism myself.
Will try that. Is locked vertical or horizontal?

Vertical = unlocked = resistance when you push on the button
Horizontal = locked = no resistance when you push on the button

So I guess you want to try the "push push push ...." thing with the keyhole in the vertical position.
I would add that you keep pushing while also rotating the lock into different positions because you never know how the "cam" on the end of the locking cylinder may have come loose and what position it is in. Unfortunately it is also possible that that cam fell of and there is no way any pushing will result in striking the release lever anymore....
The least destructive way would be to drill a hole through the lock, push the lever with a steel rod and put in a new lock and re-key....
I did Steve. I intend on posting my findings, both for E3 and E9, as soon as I get back in town Friday or over the weekend.
The suspense on the solution is killing me. To me this is unsolvable unless Jimmy Hoffa is inside the trunk willing and able to align the cam.
Sorry I missed you Don, departing SFO as I type this; maybe next time. I did go up to Fairfax to look at a Lancia Fulvia sedan.
Here's an explanation of how the locking mechanism for E3 and E9 works.

The problem I was having was actually with the E3 but they essentially work the same way. Below are pictures of both (E9 yellow, E3 green) in the locked and unlocked positions. In the unlocked position the lock turns the actuating arm to be in line with the latch, thus pushing it when the lock button is pushed in.




The actuating arm is secured to the core of the lock by a snap ring. In the picture below the top lock has no ring and shows the arm off the core. The bottom one, the pliers point to the snap ring. The large spring provides the return action when you press on the lock button.

What happened to my lock is that the actuating arm came off (shop installed with no snap ring; I could see residue of glue and I never found the ring inside the trunk) the lock therefore when I pushed the lock button, regardless of its position, locked or unlocked, it was unable to actuate the latch. It simply doesn't reach, it has no way of pushing on it. From this, I don't see how the solution of pushing repeatedly would do anything.

A second sloppy mistake by the shop was to not correctly install inner snap ring (you can see the ring clearly in the pictures above for the yellow car)) firmly in its groove so that by pushing hard enough the complete lock assembly was pushed into the trunk and I was able to push that against the latch.

I couldn't find a snap ring of the correct size to hold the actuating lever to the lock but McMaster sells a ring that did the job. It's trick to install but holds very securely. Since it protrudes a tiny bit more than the original ring, I had to very slightly grind down the inner teeth of the retaining disk. The whole assembly slides in and through the retaining ring when you push on the lock. The retaining ring has the lock code, BTW.

Lock with McMaster ring:



Now, I had a different problem on the coupe and it was that the lock would not easily turn back from the locked position into the unlocked position. In fact, sometimes it wouldn't turn at all and I'd have to try for a long time with uncertain results so practically speaking I couldn't lock the trunk. I figured the tumble pins might be gummy so I disassembled the lock to clean it.

The lock is a basic tumble mechanism with a shell (with bores and spring loaded pistons tha bear against the pins in the core) and a core:


The small pistons and springs get gummy in the shell and make turning of the key becomes unreliable or non-functional. I had tried lubricants with no benefit but perhaps a good bath of brake cleaner or acetone followed by graphite dry lubricant might have worked.

When you remove the core all the tiny pistons and springs will come out and it's impossible to place them back in from the inside so you have to pry open the small shiny rectangular plates on each side, place the core into the shell, place the pistons, springs and finally the plate and crimp it back in place. Sequence below:




Great little write up. My car must have been listening as I had a similar problem over the last days, but mine was that I couldn't always turn the key from lock to unlock. I managed to use spray oil into the key hole to lubricate and it seems better, but that will be a short term fix.
What actually holds the lock into the car, is it a C clip or a large external nut, I ask as my entire lock is a little lose and I want to try to tighten it.
The lock barrel/shell assembly slides into a finishing assembly/tube and is held in place with the large inner retaining clip seen in my first four pictures. The finishing piece is secured to the sheetmetal with a large screw-on ring from the inside. It has four small notches for a special tool but skillfull use of a screwdriver or pliers will get the job done.
Guys how do I open the hood... today I was smart enough to check if key latch is working while trunk lid was closed... when I tried to unlock it latch detached now I can not open the trunk.

Any ideas how to open it? I removed one side of rear seats but there in no openings.
