Help: trunk will not unlock

Guys how do I open the hood... today I was smart enough to check if key latch is working while trunk lid was closed... when I tried to unlock it latch detached now I can not open the trunk.

Any ideas how to open it? I removed one side of rear seats but there in no openings.
Push the inner part of key lock full inside to the trunk (from what i see on photo you should be able to make this, because already nothing is holding it) and then push marked part with something like a screwdriver or even finger.
If you can't push full key lock inside - try to catch and pull marked part thru tank cap or maybe you have speaker holes on back shelve.
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Push the inner part of key lock full inside to the trunk (from what i see on photo you should be able to make this, because already nothing is holding it) and then push marked part with something like a screwdriver or even finger.
If you can't push full key lock inside - try to catch and pull marked part thru tank cap or maybe you have speaker holes on back shelve.
View attachment 29129

Thanks! Tomorow I will try and than fixing part :)
I can make a suggestion that almost always works; as illustrated in the pictures above the little prongs get worn and this is what causes the problem. Put the key in the slot about one 4th in and push the side of the key to the right (or left) then another quarter way in and push sideways in the other direction. Make sure the key slot is in the unlocked position when you do this and then as you push it in the final distance the trunk should open.

Alternatively don't lock your trunk :)
i never bothered to lock my trunk on my 2002's or bavaria ... at that time, most people did not realize that the trunks didn't automatically lock.
Great pix Luis. You prolly already know this, but the pins ( that fall out of the lock barrel after the springs and cups fly out) are different lengths and have to go back in the correct holes for the lock to work properly. I took my lock apart without knowing that and had a hell of a time getting the pins back in the corresponding holes. So eventually I ended up using only one pin on each side instead of three until I could get the lock to even work. Don't forget also there is a pin off by itself that senses the presence of the key. Has to be in place for everything to work...
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there is a reason that there are at least 2 pins in every hole. the reason for some having 3 is a master key approach (or valet key), the basic reason for at least 2 pins is that one pin will flush out with the edge of the barrel with the key in place ... when all of these pins are aligned with the key ... it will rotate. the problem with only one pin is what happens outside of the barrel and when the wrong key is placed in the barrel. if there is only one pin in each slot, this creates an issue that could catch the springs with the rotating cylinder.
RSporsche: maybe I wasn't clear. You're right. Each hole is supposed to have a pin, a cup, and a spring of varying lengths. What I ended up doing was to use only one of the three holes in each row (two rows) instead of all six. After some trial and error to get the right combination of pin, cup and spring I was able to get the barrel to work correctly with the key using only two of the holes. The other four are unused.
FYI - My trunk was stuck shut. I did the “just keep trying” approach. Opened after about 30 seconds of rotating key, try again.
I don’t have this problem ... why .. I keep my boot empty and never lock the boot lock ... lol