How do you pronounce Petri?


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Sarasota, FL
I've heard both "Peh-tree" with soft "e" or "Pee-tree" with long "e" or something else?

I've heard both "Peh-tree" with soft "e" or "Pee-tree" with long "e" or something else?


..... pae-tri Almost like poetry which infact a Petri is for an E9! Other than you have an Alpina MoMo of course!
Short E as Peh-Tree is the steering wheel. Long E is a chemist's Pee-Tree dish.

Ahh yes, the Petri Dish. Invented by Julius Richard Petri while working at Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt in Germany. Julius Petri was born in Zeitz, Germany in 1852. Not to be confused with Richard Petri, who in 1899 founded Petri AG in Aschaffenburg, Germany. Certainly pronounced differently ;)

Don't take my word for it though. Leave it up to Takata-Petri. Listen to the first 10 seconds...

Sounds like Pee tree to me....

See @bavbob, worth debating! :D

Ahh yes, the Petri Dish. Invented by Julius Richard Petri while working at Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt in Germany. Julius Petri was born in Zeitz, Germany in 1852. Not to be confused with Richard Petri, who in 1899 founded Petri AG in Aschaffenburg, Germany. Certainly pronounced differently ;)

Don't take my word for it though. Leave it up to Takata-Petri. Listen to the first 10 seconds...

Better than mine. I only know a few important words in German. :D


How about Ausfahrt? Not what you are thinking, rather a road exit...... so don’t crack up on the German autobahn like my visiting buddies do.
That was a constant source of amusement for my kids during our Germany trip!

How about Ausfahrt? Not what you are thinking, rather a road exit...... so don’t crack up on the German autobahn like my visiting buddies do.
That was a constant source of amusement for my kids during our Germany trip!

And to take the cake, there’s an Einfahrt too......try that one for crying out loud:D
(entrance to your property). Generally says, ‘Einfahrt freihalten’ (do not obstruct entrance)
Keshav will know how to pronounce Petra- the e in German is pronounced as an A in English
Same as Leben, geben or nehman
Those wily “E” ‘s can be fun.
Since Don’s German is good.....

My German is worse than my Spanish - as long as I can prounounce auslese, spatlese und qualitatswein all is well in the world.