How do you pronounce Petri?

Ahh yes, the Petri Dish. Invented by Julius Richard Petri while working at Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt in Germany. Julius Petri was born in Zeitz, Germany in 1852. Not to be confused with Richard Petri, who in 1899 founded Petri AG in Aschaffenburg, Germany. Certainly pronounced differently ;)


Thank you for adding to my education. Spent about 10 years teaching science, going to grad school for a couple more degrees and as a PAC 12 school chemistry professor. In all those years, I never heard of Julius, even though I frequently used his wares. I feel so much more 'edjucated' as a result of this forum and many of your postings, including this one.


Thank you for adding to my education. Spent about 10 years teaching science, going to grad school for a couple more degrees and as a PAC 12 school chemistry professor. In all those years, I never heard of Julius, even though I frequently used his wares. I feel so much more 'edjucated' as a result of this forum and many of your postings, including this one.


Wow cool, thanks Gary! I didn’t realize that you taught Chemistry. My father was a thesis defense away from his PHD in chemistry. My wife is a dormant biologist & volunteer elementary science instructor.
I love how this thread has gone off the rails!

I course corrected.
