Introduction - I'm the guy who bought the "pair" of Coupes

Well the VW part I ordered was the wrong one :-( It is male to female.

But I was able to get the right hose at BMW Midtown today :) It's not actually a hose, it's a rigid steel line that I'll need to bend - but at least it won't rub on the steering u-joint anymore.

Congratulations, James!
I'm a fellow Coupe owner in Houston (Katy). Looks like we should have another E9 gathering soon
Wow, there are a lot of coupe owners in Houston. Looking fwd to meeting you guys.


I need to start another thread for this but anyways, I picked up a A 21 52 1 116 423 (CLUTCH PIPE in the parts manual) from the dealer. It's not the rubber hose, it's rigid line but it's the part that superseded the original. In any case, I used my tubing bender on it and put it in. It's about 2" too short to reach the clutch slave cylinder! LOL - this is getting almost funny.