Legends - West

WOW did I luck out randomly booking my hotel in October. After seeing the butterflies my wife suggested seeing if they had any vacancies for auto week. Literally across the street!
So bummed I won't arrive until Friday (dropping off middle child for freshman year of college on Thursday). What a fantastic location! Hope this becomes the new home for the event.

Updated map of judged field. Anyone arriving at 7 when gates open will be asked by myself to help park cars near them!

Hi Chris I will arrive at 7am sharp and can help. I also will have my brother in law with me and he can also help...BUT can we be trusted?
My wife and I leave Bellingham, WA, at oh dark thirty Monday for the 1,000 mile drive to Monterey in my 1972 Bavaria...


Medford, OR, the first night, then on to our son's place in Scotts Valley, CA on Tuesday (about an hour north of Monterey). I'm cautiously optimistic that the car will do fine on the trip. the AC is blowing ice cold with all new parts including @Blinkling 's evaporator. Wish us luck.

Chris invited me to park with the Display E9s at Legends so hopefully I'll get a chance to meet some of you in person.

I'll also be at the Historics on Saturday at the BaT Alumni Gathering at T3.
Bringing both so my wife does not have to stay at Legends all day. I suggested she go to Prancing Ponies but she was offended. After 35 years still do not understand the women I love


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I'll be there Tuesday but probably not Thursday. I'll be there w/my 13 yr old, Nicolas. DM me if you want to get a coffee or something.
We have marked the field, always a big sigh of relief! Display cars will enter to the left on Fairway 2, e9/e3 together with 2002s. We want all e3/e9 lined up together! Please park tail to tail in the center of the Fairway. Someone will be there to guide you. Always have your entry placard visible when you enter, they will have you sign waivers at check-in. Thank you Chris Kohler and Barry Gier for helping along with my wonderful wife Shawn. See everyone tomorrow.