New acquisition

You noticed, drat! The original Chianti red is actually a bit redder and the roof a creamier white. But I thought the same thing when I saw the eBay pics.

I've owned a bay window bus since I was 16... they are so much fun.
Also own an e30 cab. Sell it to Stan!

Thinking about buying another bay window camper.

Chris I know you will more than likely paint it, but that thing would polish out really nice!
I've owned a bay window bus since I was 16... they are so much fun.
Also own an e30 cab. Sell it to Stan!

Thinking about buying another bay window camper.

Chris I know you will more than likely paint it, but that thing would polish out really nice!

I have driven Chris's E30 cab, it is a very nice car and I would love to own it! Just not in the cards right now. Diverting funds to the Great White engine project and Garagemahal.
Very cool- was looking a a Karmann Ghia coupe the other day- that or a squareback would be pretty cool. Or a 3.2 Carerra. Or .....

I agree that rotating the cars is a good thing. As long as you always keep the coupe!