New Member 1973 3.0CS- Los Angeles Area

Is it an oil vapor catch can?
Good call, and it looks like there is a connection on the valve cover between the oil filler cap and the radiator. It appears someone punched a new opening into the valve cover for this thing. Not sure how well it would work with the factory opening on the other side of the valve cover connected to the air filter assembly. Perhaps that side is plugged.

The sender looks like a VDO pressure sender, installed into the head perhaps and connected to the idiot light? If I have this right, the lack of wiring means your oil light won't light up when you start the car (or if the engine lacks oil pressure). Where does that hose go?
Welcome! My car also had/has some mysterious things done to it by previous owners. As you said, the car is fifty years old - what do we expect. This is a great group of people to help you figure things out. A wide range of owner types are represented here too, from restoration purists to full-on restomodders. I think most people fall somewhere in between those two poles. But whatever direction you decide to go with your car, there will definitely be people here who've been there before.

I remember having that same issue with the CS Registry. I think I sent an email to @dang (the admin who oversees it) and he changed something so I was able to register.

Calvin--Welcome to the forum. My car's VIN is 20 behind yours. It's amazing to think that both engine bays were probably the same 50 years ago and all of the previous owners made them look like they came from a different planet! I have a good, clean, flat (no leaks) valve cover if you're going to replace what's in there now.---Drew
You know I am wondering the same thing, there is one in the original spot as well.. I am really confused. I am going to take more photos today to show what is going on.
It’s a convenient Frantz bypass toilet paper oil filter.
