NO LONGER AVAILABLE. E9 Parts. Not Affilliated


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Atlanta, GA
Harry, i hope the seller has these items in better than perfect condition as you are correct, many of these prices are quite steep - IMHO for instance, you can order the following parts from w+n new -
1. you can buy a new tool tray (the strong kind) for 267 euro
2. you can buy all new tools for under 115 euro, of course there aren't any red screwdrivers
3. new chrome hood grilles are 117 euro each

so parts that aren't available - the chrome wiper arms, albeit high price (especially if they are just stainless or unless they come with chrome blade holders) ... chrome fender grilles (new black ones are 51 euro each), chrome center grille - reasonable price if it is in very good shape with no dents, fuse box door - priced reasonably if in very good shape.


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Harry, i hope the seller has these items in better than perfect condition as you are correct, many of these prices are quite steep - IMHO for instance, you can order the following parts from w+n new -
1. you can buy a new tool tray (the strong kind) for 267 euro
2. you can buy all new tools for under 115 euro, of course there aren't any red screwdrivers
3. new chrome hood grilles are 117 euro each

so parts that aren't available - the chrome wiper arms, albeit high price (especially if they are just stainless or unless they come with chrome blade holders) ... chrome fender grilles (new black ones are 51 euro each), chrome center grille - reasonable price if it is in very good shape with no dents, fuse box door - priced reasonably if in very good shape.
Thanks for the info Scott.
I would have to ask you why everyone is paying so much for the tool sets with the used and in most cases tools with some rust.
I have heard this from others and asked if they have new or old tools and the answer is always that they have used ones. I'll ask you what you have for tools,new or used?
I work hard sometimes 5 to 8 hours a day trying to find those hard to find parts only as a hobby helping members and not charging a fee only to take the frustration from senior members like you who know much more than me and have been on the forum much longer I have and for whatever reason want to make what I love doing not loving to do anymore. I send parts to members before I get paid for them, I give small parts to many members, I have given tools to several members. I am stressed to the max. because of my health issues so I really get all bent out of shape when something like this happens. Please let the buyer beware. Nothing personal but I had to get it off my chest.
Have a great night.


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Atlanta, GA
Harry, i have used tools that were made in west germany - that is why most people want old ones. that being said, not all old tools are stamped west germany. some were just made in germany - any tool made in 1998 and after probably doesn't have the word West on them. some tools have BMW on them, others do not. i do not know which have and which don't. i bought a complete toolbox of tools years ago because my car didn't come with any ... at the time, if i had known that i could have bought new tools, i might have done that ... and then just sourced red screwdrivers. but 5 years ago, tools didn't cost what they do now. and Harry, for all that you do to connect buyers and sellers together ... you deserve some compensation from one side or a little from both.

Bert Poliakoff

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Scottsdale, AZ
If you are totally anal about your cars tools, the new tools not only don't have West Germany on them, but also do not have BMW forged into the shanks of the wrenches. Also, the new combination pliers are not the same as the jaws are flat on both sides where the originals had a raised center section of the jaws on one side of the pliers. It goes on and on. How about the fact that the allen wrenches should also have Heyco stamped into the longer leg? Could be the tie breaker in a show