Potential CS revival?


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Clarkston, MI
Mmm, Don't think it resembles the e9 enough to affect the prices

Not sure about the look It's sorta ugly but sorta sexy?

I agree, for a car to effect the prices of our E9 coupes it would have to mimic the E9 in the same way that the American manufacturers are currently mimicing the muscle cars of the 60's.

"sorta ugly, sorta sexy". like sheep?

Only an Australian could have come up with that :D
i agree, as it looks nothing like an e9 i can't see it reviving peoples interest in a decent old coupe.

Also, if you look at photo number 7, the side profile of the car, if someone had shown me that and asked what make it was i'm not sure i'd even know it was a BMW. Looks more like an Aston Martin... with possibly a dash of Maserati
I think, looking at the pictures closely it's a 4 door. BM have "hidden" the rear doors in a similair fashion to the Alfa 156, so nothing new there then

Looks "heavy" to me with the current trend to have a very low roofline and small side windows

Sorry but until I see one in the flesh I vote ugly!

Doubt if it will have any effect on E9 prices at all

Saw this on Bimmerforums:

BMW showed a concept car called the CS recently. The possibility of a CS revival, in the form of a car like this, is something new.

If the trend of other cars applies to the E9, then any revival car will make coupe prices and presence increase in a big way.

So what do you guys think?

That car is ugly (as are most Bangle designs) and it has no design references to the historic E9. I do not like it.
I like some of the comments at the end of the article - especially this one:

That's going to be one expensive Dodge Charger! So, let me see if I have this straight. Chris Bangle comes up with the critically acclaimed design theme (flame surfacing) which, along with many other car manufacturers, DaimlerChrysler copies (slab sides of 300, Charger, etc.). And, to get even, BMW decides to copy the front of the Charger and put it on a car that, if produced, would more than likely cost 4 times as much. This makes perfect sense...TO BANGLE!
Not exactly a clean design is it. Clearly not an original design either. I'll never understand why so many bad designs make it to market...

This is a great example of why I bought the coupe. New cars in my price range just aren't all that interesting. This car is no exception.
I was thinking of it more in terms of bringing the name back, which will naturally increase the number of people looking at our cars. The design does indeed bear little ot no resemblance to our cars, but BMW hasn't made a XXXCS car in nearly 10 years. Since BMW has been doing the whole series naming convention system for the last 30 years or so, people don't usually find the CS when searching for older BMWs, as it doesn't have a series designation.

I really hate the eyebrows. I also don't like how the car is, well, gigantic. Can you imagine parking it in a small german town, it would be a nightmare!

The overall design does seem to be trying too hard to be masculine, though, much like the Charger.

I do like the interior, though. BMW needs to quit doing the bowed-out dash crap and make it driver-centric again. Bowed-out dashes make me think of a Chevy Nomad, not of a comfortable driving experience.
hhhmmm..looks like a real big heavy tank with a disco interior, but I'm sure it'll be fast.

four doors and no wood....a CS?.......rather have the new M6 (or M5 Touring) over this new CS concept. They should just name it something else.. :roll:

I'll be keepin' my 'CS' thank you.
Someone needs to Photoshop a Bat kit and CSL Motorsport stripes on that beauty and email it to Bangle.
That's a real POS...

Nothing like a CS. No desing cues, no hints of the past..right down to the techno instruments, and weird side swoops.

The profile is HUGE! Reminds me of the luxo-barge 745iL, and the front has an almost angry look.. The CS, 635, and E30 managed to inspire fear and awe without grimacing.. This car doesn't even look fast. It looks long and heavy, and angry

Sadly, like every other BMW made since about 2003, not worth a second glance...(OK, maybe to 335 coupe is...).

Compare this to the new Infiniti G37 Coupe (gasp.. a Nissan?)


At least these guys understand the concept of gracefulness.

There is so much BMW could do...
Imagine a 507 inspired V8 the size of the Infinity G but with the elegance of the 507 or E9??? Something without flame sides or whatever they call that. Considering a sleek lightness, something sexy and timeless. Is that too much to ask?
isn't that the the z8?

Ah, yup.
BMW is going to have to do more than resurrect two letters they need to resurrect the spirit and design of the car that so many fell in love with then you will have a true CS. Oh and Mr. Bangle a CS has two doors.
Yeah, I agree with most comments, but I've got to know:
Does it have a Hemi? :wink:

Actually, it's much more masculine than the current 6 series, including the M6, and that's a good thing.

It's clearly a "theft" of the CS badge, but if they replaced the 7 series with it, it might be OK with me as a cool 4-door. Likely competitor to the Porsche Panamera and the Benz that's been out a couple of years already.

My $0.02. Your mileage may vary. The sheep comment had me laughing out loud. Now my 6 year old son is walking around the house quoting "yeah, sexy . . . like sheep" It will take all weekend to get him to drop that one. His kindergarten teacher will be so proud.

While many of us here clearly worship at the Coupe altar, along with other noteworthy BWM classics....

in the pre Chris Bangle era it would have been heresy to mention non-BMW brands as being worthy of fanboy cult status...

it appears now, however, that the early BMW classic indoctrination has provided us with more than a passing capacity for appreciating, and owning other modern classics, and applying such design potential to BMW.

BMW failed to capitalize on the retro trend by not bringing back a modern 2002 in 2002, and now this...

note: "Compare this to the new Infiniti G37 Coupe (gasp.. a Nissan?) At least these guys understand the concept of gracefulness"

note: " There is so much BMW could do...
Imagine a 507 inspired V8 the size of the Infinity G but with the elegance of the 507 or E9???"

When I sold my 1990 7 series, I wanted something sporty and classy...but hated the 2004 5 series....enter the Infiniti Fx. Interior design quality has increased significantly since then.

Now I'm considering moving the Fx now that I no longer need the utility of an SUV...we just got the wife a Mazda 3 hatchback.

However, I'll still crave something the handles like the Fx, with looks to boot. Nothing by BMW inspired at the Auto show.

The Infiniti G series (35 or 37), however, it quite something to behold...and will be seriously considered...

Hopefully, some of the suits at BMW will take notice of what core folks are thinking, saying and buying...
Just came back from two days in Munich and Stuttgart. Of course I did not see any 70-80 BMW cars, and many of the new BMWs in circulation are diesels. Seems like we live in a bubble in California with the E24s, our E9s and so on. The article I read there about the CS was positioned as a car
done to increase sales in Asia. Oh well.
BMW clearly views Asia as their largest growth market and I would have to agree with them given the large amount of discretionary income available there and Asia's appetite for exotic cars. Say what you want about BMW, but they are a company with focus, marketing savvy and a vision, like it or not.

Myself...I find the "New CS" rather elegant and unique.
