primus circumdedisti me


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BIO - 43°15'46.5"N 2°56'03.7"W

this weekend several acts homage of the 500 years of the first navigation to the world are celebrated,
The school ship of the Spanish Navy "Juan Sebastian Elcano" arrived yesterday at Getaria, place of origin of the first man who traveled around the world, the Basque Juan Sebastian Elcano, recognized as "tu primus circumdedisti me", although in reality he was the captain who survived, he did not made it alone but together with 17 men more of several nationalities, here is the complete list of the heroes that in 1519-1522 completed it,

Juan Sebastián de Elcano, de GuetariaCapitán
Francisco Albo, de Axio.Piloto
Miguel de Rodas, de RodasPiloto
Juan de Acurio, de BermeoPiloto
Antonio Lombardo (Pigafetta), de Vicenza
SobresalienteMartín de Yudícibus, de Savona
Marino Hernando de Bustamante, de MéridaMarinero y barbero
Nicolás el Griego, de NaupliaMarinero
Miguel Sánchez de Rodas, de RodasMarinero
Antonio Hernández Colmenero, de AyamonteMarinero
Francisco Rodríguez, portugués de SevillaMarinero
Juan Rodríguez, de HuelvaMarinero
Diego Carmena Gallego, de BayonaMarinero
Hans, de AquisgránArtillero
Juan de Arratia, de BilbaoGrumete
Vasco Gómez Gallego el Portugués, de BayonaGrumete
Juan de Santandrés, o de Santander, de CuetoGrumete
Juan de Zubileta, de BaracaldoPaje

everyone knows that the expedition, that started in 1519, was led by the portugues Magellan and paid by the crown of Castilla (Spain)
but few know that Magellan did not complete the return, because he died in the Philippines, being then Elcano, one of his captains who took command and who completed the return to Spain arriving at Seville in 1522.

here is the itinerary...

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I've passed through the 'estrecho de magallane' in a small ship holding 100 passengers. Quite scenic, but when the sea is rough, and/or the winds are high, as they may have been during their voyage - it could have been a hairy ride and a traumatic sail.

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Great way to celebrate.
My children always enjoyed the Animaniacs rendition of the story:

Listen to it a couple of times and see if you can stop singing it...

Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, farewell, Magellan!
You almost made it! It's really not fair!
Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, oh, ghost of Magellan
The East Indies Islands were right over there!