Very interesting idea! Well done.I can confirm that now I have taken my car on the Motorway (read Interstate, Autobahn, Autoroute) that the wind noise is massivley reduced from fitting the neoprene in the guttering.
Very interesting idea! Well done.I can confirm that now I have taken my car on the Motorway (read Interstate, Autobahn, Autoroute) that the wind noise is massivley reduced from fitting the neoprene in the guttering.
did you really mean 10 cm diameter? It looks more like 1 cmNot really though, the neoprene tubing is 10cm diameter. It needs cutting down at the ends and I glued using contact adhesive at each of those cut down ends.
The seals between the engine and the internal firewall where the fan motor sits can affect noise a lot. I found the factory products didn't seal well and I played around with profiles which did seal. Any gaps will let the engine and header noises in the car.
As for wind noise, the wipers, the window seals and the side windows generate a lot of noise. The worse culprit was the gulley with the chrome trim which runs the length of the windows over the top. I used expanded neoprene tubing with a closed cell and fitted this within the gulley which prevented a significant amount of noise from the front and now keeps out water.