Repainted Roundels

here's an original one in great shape
ceylon - original color.jpg
yes, but the real roundel is in Utah ... not georgia. all i have is a picture ... and printing it will likely generate a different color
yes, but the real roundel is in Utah ... not georgia. all i have is a picture ... and printing it will likely generate a different color

Yes, for sure. They need it in their hand. I had to bring in the whole ducktail for the
Based on my experience as a professional photographer you can not try to match colors using the internet. Monitors are not calibrated to see the same color. It's a waste of time.
totally get that Gary, but i can assure you there is a difference between old and new roundels, i have seen it in person. my monitor has previously been calibrated. the two roundels (the new trunk and old cloissone) were taken under the same light with the same camera, i just didn't take them side by side (which i probably should have).
Gary - when you set up your class for Scott, I may want to attend. I think the original setup for the trunk Roundels looks a lot better than the replacements.

Also, what did you do for the gasket? Markos and I started down the path of creating replacements for these, but ran out of gas before we found a satisfactory solution. (A huge part of the problem is that the originals were round, and were stretched into place. Today, if you can find an original part, it has not only returned to its original round shape, it has lost its elasticity and can no longer be stretched into shape. We had hoped to modify the shape slightly to match the installed shape so as to minimize the need to deform the gasket upon installation.)