Show your...Steering wheel(s)

Thanks for the clarification. Easy for the uninformed to confuse the Momo wheel originally fitted to the 246 Dino and the steering wheels bearing the Dino imprimatur. They were both made in Italy. :rolleyes:

Following your post, I zoomed in on DQ's photo to confirm that the hex screws are at the 12:00 and 6:00 positions. I also reviewed your pretty Prototipo images located earlier on this thread. Your restored Prototipo has two holes in the horizontal spokes and three holes in the vertical spoke. Although not immediately clear unless you lighten the CSL image, that wheel appears to have only two holes in each spoke. Does this indicate a different wheel style (droopy) or size? Is one more desirable than another?

The hole difference is due to the 6pm spoke wrap. Momo prototipos have 3 holes on each spoke. If you remove the wrap you can find the third hole. Case in point, @shanon has an original alpina prototipo with missing spike wraps at 10 and 2. You can see the line where the original spoke wrap ended and you can also see the normally hidden third hole.

Not a standard or option for an E9, but pretty cool wheel.
Anyone there know what it is?

These images are taken in Enzo's house in Marenello. I was very lucky to get in there, and better still to have a go on the Fiorano track!



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I'd be interested in one of your petri wheels Mark.

Greetings Sir!

Thank you for your interest in this hobby of mine. I buy forgotten and neglected wheels from the island of misfit toys, then spend the next 6-12 months making them look better. I’m not the best resource to buy a steering wheel from.

Members like @JohnP_02 and @Hans W. buy/sell/own nice original wheels and make them look even better/functional by cleaning and polishing and fitting proper hub/horn parts on them. They both restore and/or offer restored wheels also, but they aren’t slow as molasses like me. Just ask @Stan! :D I suggest that you shoot these gentleman a PM.
la ruota Momo era di serie su 169 csL
o in facoltativo (molto costoso)
su altro csL
NO su pipistrelli o inglese csL
oggi una petri 38 è quotata, se bella, da 500 euro, ma ho visto anche in vendita a 1300 euro..prezzo in europa
la momo alpina 38 csL
SE lo trovi
quindi non spendi meno di 3000 euro per salire
mercato pazzo
Gentlemen, and how much will an un-restored petri wheel cost me??:D
Price much depend on condition (unrestored), size, completeness & originality of the set:
35cm - ca. 350-500EUR
regular 38cm - ca. 600/700-1200EUR (sometimes more), genuine csl 38cm is 3000-4000EUR
40cm - ca. 600-1000EUR

Separately parts are worth also pretty a lot: genuine bmw petri horn button is 200EUR, genuine bmw hub + hub cover is at least 300EUR.
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For all of us Petri lovers.....
A rare insight of a Csl Petri in flagranti... without it’s leather wrap. Although not visible as such, the foam is harder and thinner (to compensate for the leather) comparatively and the stitching line is not dead center either.
I’m restoring an italvolanti wheel for a friend. We are going to start with mine to test out the new leather shop. You can see the difference in diameter between my ATI3 (left), and his ATI1 (right).

This one needed a lot of work and is far from perfect, but I’m going to call it restoration complete. It has come a long way and literally traveled the globe a few times since I purchased it on eBay for $350 a few years ago. This wheel will go in my car.



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