Show your...Steering wheel(s)

I recently acquired this 1966 Formel 380mm wood rim steering wheel from Bouke at Vintage Volante in Holland.

I think it suits my CSi quite well!





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I predict that 2018 will be the year of the steering wheel! Keep the pictures coming - especially those that are on the buying end.

I bought a Le Mans and I'm working on an CSI Sport wheel for a forum friend. Looking forward to keeping more pics coming!
I bought this Prototipo knock-off recently (not installed yet). I liked it because:

(1) it's 360 (only Proto you can get right now is 350mm, and
(2) I actually like the look better. W/the bottom spoke wrapped like the top two, it looks more cohesive and consistent (my $0.02)

Feels really nice too! Not too shabby for $212. Actually made in Italy.



i also have some wheels... :)

this is a 35 cm aftermarket "soft" one on the rally car ... i like it , it has grip !

this one came with the blue CS... 34 cm. But i don't like wooden wheels , to slippery .

i will change it for the 36cm wheel that came on the rally car at the time...


and this 32 cm was a test... but way to small to handle a E9 ....

In addition to the Momo Prototipo 37cm wheel on the car, I have this Nardi 37cm wheel. I thought it was dished too much, but it turns out to be identical to the Prototipo - about one inch of dish. Not sure which one I'll put on the car in the end...
20180116-SB nardi 370.jpg
9 really,I'm thinking you have a problem with collecting wheels Marko :)
I'm needing that 380 Petri to complete mine. 390 Nardi,400 Petri on car.
Three here. It’ kind of like wheels. You have many pairs but always seem to go for the same one/s.

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I have 12 steering wheels. 1 1965 Personal, 1 1966 NK, 1 Motolita, 4 CS wood rim, 2 Petri 380 & 400. 1 2002Ti leather sport, 2 2002 bus.
I was lucky to acquire this absolutely gorgeous Alpina Petri horn button. I’ve examimed it and it hasn’t been tampered with, its infact brand new and superior quality to the standard bmw horn button. Exact dimensions and the rear is exactly right too.
Take a look. I’ve also added a pic of another Petri that I came across with the same horn ring.

It’s on my csl leather Petri, now one of a kind.


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Per Keshavs request, a “few” of my BMW Steering Wheel. First up, two wheels I am extremely grateful to own, a rare wood 38cm Hubert Hahne, and incredibly rare 39cm leather Hubert Hahne, both made by Personal.

