Something different

Peter Coomaraswamy

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Austin, TX
Sometimes you are faced with a complex decision; do I go through with it, enjoy dinner and a soft bed... or waste my reservation and miss out on a great day of driving... Plus,if I did not go forward I would have to go home :-(


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Why am I not surprised that the most rust prone classic BMW...leads the way thru high water?

If nothing else, we e9 owners are an intrepid lot...
I went through! In texas the water is dry :) -although I realize I may have lowered the value of the car with these shots-

having a nice car and not roughing it up a little is like having a super-model for a wife and saving her for the next guy :)
A New Orleans trick: next time(?) let another car go in front and you follow closely in his wake and you'll have lower water :razz:

I agree with the super model analogy, I often remind myself of it when I think to keep my miles down.
My goal is to put as many miles on this car as I can and if I am still able-and it needs it- I'll rebuild it again-I just hope I have enough money now that the prices seem to be going up-especially the parts.
Guys, the sun was shining, the roads were dry, where is the harm?
Ok, these cars fall apart more in the UK than the dry US, but if we never used them we may as well put the money in the bank.
Last year I got my CSI and was so careful, now I use it whenever I can (within reason, no salt) and have a dehumidifier in the garage for afterwards. If the weather looks reasonable I take it, then as is often the case on a small island, it changes. Only yesterday I soaked mine, UK style, heater on max, windows all slightly open, fully steamed up inside. Then gave it a quick wash in the rain, neighbors think I am mad. The real decision was leave it out overnight and hope that it would be drier in the morning or put it in the garage. I did the later, dried it as we'll as I could and turned on the dehumidifier. Ok it will stay there for at least a week and once the roads are salted until the Spring, but use it or lose it.

Everything is fragile, especially life, so just do it. As the SAS say, "Who Dares Wins". Now where do I get a low mileage Supermodel wife!! :grin:

The right choice is to use the blue cloth in the tool box to absorb the excess water on the road before crossing it.

As long as it was not sea water all is forgiven.
C-man, a low milage super-model is harder to find than a rust free coupe! I keep looking but the previous owners seem to abuse them and leave them out in the salt and rain -or run them without any oil-. :-(
Here's some other pics from Terry's drive (s)... '02s and Coupes enjoying fine Texas Hill Country twisties.

Golf.jpg Low water II.jpg Terrys Golf.jpg

Ed Z
Ah, it was a glorious day!

I wanted to put in a note here since Ed was frugal enough to resurrect an existing thread, Last weekend we drove down to the F1 track here in Austin for Hagerty's Show and Shine and the Vintage races, we also got to do a practice lap on the track in our cars. Pretty cool! But, to get there from North Austin I had to drive down 130 (our 85 MPH toll road) in the pouring rain, it reminded me how important it is to do the little things in these cars; good and well operating windshield wipers, lights, alignment etc. It made the ride tolerable if not enjoyable despite the weather so please don't forget the small stuff which is easy to do when we're hurrying to get our beauties back on the road-for that sunny drive-that will usually turn scary at some point:)
A 2002 Ti (single i) with US side markers? Odd... Federalized?

No, Bo... my Manila '71 is a clone. It has an early Alpina A2 dual Solex DDH setup on the M10. Runs very well with a 292 cam and long tube header. it's a hotrod, but not a real Ti.

680 solexes mounted II.jpg

sunny day '71.jpg

Ed Z
Hey Ed, Clone or not, it appears to be beautifully done! I love original wiper arms & mirror as well as the color ...I've had three Manila 1600s; my first was a '67 bought in 1970 and then later a '71 and later still another '67.

Thanks for posting it.
