Time to order the new camshaft

Hey, I think you guys are getting carried away with the value of power.
It's TORQUE that you want, this is what makes a car fast, and driveable.
As you move your power band up the rev range, by definition you will lose torque lower down, make the thing cammy, peaky, fargile, hard to get off the line, really difficult to drive in the wet, etc etc. You will need more gears, closer ratios, a shorter diff ratio, a totally race inspired intake and exhaust system - jeez, i could go on.
The key to a good engine is "area under the curve" - this is what all good engine builders strive for. My 2002 race car makes 225 bhp at 7100 - not very radical - but here's what wins races - it has an almost flat torque curve from 5400 to 6900. So while every one else is revving the crap out of their engines, furiously changing gears, I'm just driving away...........
AHEM :wink: . What was it I said about the inlet manifold? Fantastic result, well done! 49 bhp and the ability to rev beyond 7K. I'm definately putting throttle bodies on my motor now!!!