VIN number on CSL

It is right here. You can make out some of the numbers in the photo. This is your pic...

20180222_102627 (2).jpg
Carol - it looks like there's been some interesting mods done to your car in the past.

It appears that there isn't a heater box under the black metal plate in the bulkhead. Are the pipes i can spy in your engine compartement, and the pivot to the left hand side, a heater upgrade of sorts ?. It would be interesting to see a view of the engine bay as a whole.

Also, some modification appears to have been done to the brake and clutch circuit as there is 2 aftermarket resevoirs in the place of the single unit common to our cars.
I live in the tropics and have no need of heating so the previous owner must have got it removed.
Yes I had some problems with the brakes not working well when it gets too hot so some kind of modification was done by my mechanic to rectify the problem .
Not sure what he has done because I am not too savvy on the technical side and left him to solve all my problems.
I just noticed in the second photo that there a cable, bracket and pivot for something right in front of the hood release latch, I wonder what that is?
I will have to check it out the next time I visit the car.Yes I have owned the car for 22 years spent mostly driving it and not paying too much attention to it and in the few weeks since I have joined the forum I have learned much more about the car.