I hate to take issue with someone with as many messages as you have and such a high score, but I am really confused by all of this. Some people say I have a viscous clutch (and so does the BMW Service Manual, apparently) while others say I have friction clutch.
I have the radiator out, I know I could run the motor for a short period without coolant but I am guessing whatever coolant is in the block is gonna come flying out all over creation. (I can find no place to drain the block, either.)
Here is what I see in the blue books (the BMW Service Manual for 2500-3.0CSi). I have underlined why I think my clutch fan is not working.
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ok, i understand, i am not english, so my messages may sound odd to you
i have seen that you might have now clear what happened to your fan clutch, life is long and mechanics are unpredictable
BTW, your listing from the book mentions the cut-off speed, you can run that test to know if your clutch is still sound