Warhol M1 floured by activists

Yep. When activists use crazy glue to attach themselves to valuable art, is crazy an adjective of the glue or the activist.

A simple solution, park the BMW art cars in my garage, not in a public place.
Why bother to do this? The car probably doesn't even have any fluids in it. It will probably consume less gas over the next century than my yard guy's edger in a week.
These GenZ whackis targeting art work in the millions of dollars of worth are ruining the very causes they are promoting by the public viewing all activists as crackpots
When they glue themselves to the floor or wall, why not just close the door ()not permitting anyone to enter the room), then put a bottle of water about 6 feet away from them and leave. I'd guess when they get thirsty enough (<36 hours), they'd figure out a way to extract themselves from the floor/wall. Basically, the are exhibitionists who want publicity, but probably use hydrocarbon vehicles for transport throughout the other days of the year.
This has happened multiple times now. I'm surprised museums with these priceless works of art aren't putting more security in place. If you go to a concert or even some sporting event, security will go through you backpack or anything else you're bringing in. Why not at museums? I don't know, maybe a group of twenty some year olds carrying 2 gallons of paint or 20 pounds of flour might be worth checking out.

I don't think it would have to be permanent, this ridiculous trend will pass.
There are better ways to advance one's cause. This form of vandalism is not productive & more often than not produces the opposite effect.

To paraphrase George Carlin, "Climate Change, it's been around forever, look at the last Ice Age. The planet will be fine, it's been here for billions of years, it's the people who are completely F'ed this time."

I have a friend who's very concerned with "the climate change crisis". I asked if she is going to work or volunteer for a non-profit like the Maine Natural Resources Council, Maine Forestry Service, Revision Energy Solar. She said, no, I'm going to start my own thing. My response was one does not need to reinvent the wheel. Be active in something that's currently viable & promoting change.
This has happened multiple times now. I'm surprised museums with these priceless works of art aren't putting more security in place...
For pictures there is no need as the art is already protected by glass I believe.
The BMW Art cars are harder to protect... all it takes is a key to scratch the paint. I will keep them safe and drive them around until sanity returns to the world...
They should not promote them on media, just like they did with the streakers in the 70’s. At least the streakers were amusing.
It's hard to believe that while throwing the flour nothing else hit the car causing damage.
Crazy people out there!
I wish I had been there to help remove them from the premises. I hope to hear of their punitive damages and possible sentence
They should not promote them on media, just like they did with the streakers in the 70’s. At least the streakers were amusing.
Walter Cronkite famously smiled (or maybe smirked) at the end of a report on a streaker. Media watchers largely credit that with making the general public see streakers as harmless or goofy rather than threatening or deviants. He probably wouldn't smile at the end of this story though.
I actually think they hurt their cause. Do they not see that their destruction of irreplaceable art only gets points with those who already share their zealot attitude while alienating others? Will they get one more follower from this? They believe that showing that nothing can be protected from them will cause change.......hmmm we have seen this before. We have all protested in our youth but did we destroy?
Just lucky it wasn't France or they might have already had it fried up with a mirepoix and a little wine...at least flour is much less invasive than some past high jinx.
No offense intended to our friends from Gaul...
I stuck my tongue to a Chairlift at Mont Tremblant, Quebec once. Do I get a Darwin Award? I left a couple of layers of Tongue skin on that chairlift just before I had to get off. There's a First and last time for everything. In that case I hope it's both....you never know with Dementia though.