Do you have a comparison of the cost to work on Alfas vs BMWs? I've been thinking of a 1750 or 2000. With the rise in 105 series values it may be a more viable project than it was a few years ago.
BMW vs Alfa costs? There were and are a LOT more 2002’s out there so bmw has a much better supply base and easier to find shops with expertise. There is zero Alfa factory support for their classics so as bad as it is it’s better for bmw owners.
I would say
Body restoration: similar. BMW has more availability of panels.
Trim is a definitely higher for the Alfa. A pair of door handles is $430! windshield is $500 for glass and another $500 for the trim strip and gasket, and a dash is $1500. But the Alfa also has a nicer interior IMHO.
Engine: the twin cam is more expensive.
Ex: decent factory piston set is $660, which is what you pay for race quality M10 pistons.
Ex: good Alfa cans are about $700/pair
A standard Alfa rebuilt motor costs about $6k, and a 220hp race motor (2liter) can $20- $25k. Probably 25% or more over an M10.
And bmw’s Have vastly better selection of hot rod parts.
I’d guess the Alfa might cost $10-12k more on a ground up restoration.
Regular maintenance is probably similar.