WTB listing scam


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Portland OR
So last week I posted a WTB listing regarding a rear sway bar. Today I received the following conversation from new member
”Henry Obucks”. Just so happens his buddy “Mac” has what I’m looking for. I’ll bet Mac has red handle screw drivers too. o_O
We’ve heard of these type of scams before. Be alert guys.

I got squeezed about a week ago. Same exact MO, but my WTB post was on the faq. The scam was so obvious, but they got me early in the morning before I had coffee. I was suckered. I will live, having learned.
User has been deleted. Ignore any emails you might get from him if he has your email already.

quick question- were you looking for a rear sway bar?
Maybe we should return to the days of the CS Registry where an essay was submitted and evaluated prior to admission.
That’s the most textbook version of that scam. Hank O’Bucks should have known better.
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