Replica BMW 507 Help


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Tasmania, Australia
A friend of mine is trying to convince me to help him build a 507 replica.
I see a few (read many) problems to surmount as there's no kit available.
The first, and major hurdle, would be securing a mould to make a cast of the body.
Have seen a couple of images online that show it's been done so throwing it out here to see if anybody has a lead on who has them.
Plan B might be to scan a high quality scale model and use that as the basis for a plug mould.
*Keen to hear others thoughts/advice.

*Advice as to my mental health isn't required....:D
At The Amelia Island Concours in early March 2020, there was a replica 507.

The replica was decent when we saw it at Amelia. Much more cost effective to buy theirs and tweak it rather than scratch built. It had a period BMW V8 in it, which likely came from a junked 501/2 sedan.
Their website shows some beautiful work. Hand making aluminum body panels??? Their Maserati cars are also beautiful.

Must be very expensive cars.

Their website shows some beautiful work. Hand making aluminum body panels??? Their Maserati cars are also beautiful. Must be very expensive cars.

I'm sure they aren't selling a lot of these re-creations, but I still have to wonder where they get their supply of vintage engines. OK, the period BMW V8 most likely came from a junked 501/2 sedan. But the vintage Maserati/Lancia/Alfa engines? Kudos to Pini for not slapping in a SBC and calling it done.
I am absolutely not an expert. But I have been reading, watching, and absorbing a lot about metal fabrication over the past few years. From what I've learned, it seems that working with aluminum is an easier endeavor than steel. Steel is easier to weld your pieces together, but aluminum is easier to form into panels. Regardless of the material, it is truly and art and I am really enjoying learning about it.
The idea was to build one using a junked 502 as the basis as it would be period correct running gear/engine.
As for body Had thought about casting in either glass or carbon fibre. I know a guy here who is 80% there on building a replica spitfire in carbon.
If project were to proceed we would be aiming for a replica as opposed to a recreation where everything under the skin is non-period BMW.
Have sent Pini an email so will see what falls out.
Looks like there one has aluminium panels like the original.
We are considering this as have access to a dead V8 502, which has the same engine (but single carb) and almost identical running gear.
If you were not worried about an exact replica, a modern engine and brakes would make it a wonderful driver, perhaps
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Have sent Pini an email so will see what falls out.
Looks like there one has aluminium panels like the original.
We are considering this as have access to a dead V8 502, which has the same engine (but single carb) and almost identical running gear.
Sounds like a very cool project.
Oh my, that red, open top, short window is simply gorgeous.. I think I need that.

Imagine now... a replica 507 with a hot M10 in it...or S14? It would be like BMW's, AC Cobra. THAT would be awesome. :cool:

Or a more modern day BMW V8 and the brakes to stop it!
PowerBall tickets!!!
Still flirting with this idea as opposed to restoring the 502 as there's been a development.
I've now found a guy in the US that actually has a set of 507 molds so could have a glass body fabricated and shipped fairly easily. The tricky bit would be sourcing the 507 specific parts such as glass and trim. If I was to attempt this the aim would be to build a replica as close to original as possible other than the shell as fabricating the alloy panels would be beyond me. That said, I guess if I had a glass slug that would allow me to have the panels made up.
Im hoping to see some pics of a body he's already made, so will post o here if/when I get them.
The tricky bit would be sourcing the 507 specific parts such as glass

Don't know if you have anyone making custom glass 'over there', but if nothing else we have a very skilled car glass company over here that makes all kinds of custom windshields/glass for replicas etc.

They are a tad expensive, but their product is very nice and I've seen it on a couple of my friends cars, for example this Pantera has a custom windshield and custom door glass made by them (it's S62B50 powered, so it's not totally out of place here ;))

kokkola%20utst%C3%A4llning%20pantera.jpg IMG_4228.JPG 20190117_202455.jpg

Anyway, here's the link:
Wes- you know we shipped the touring to Tasmania last April in a shipping container. We are paid for this year too but unlikely to be allowed in.
We can offer some room in the container for next year which we really want to attend because of 30 year anniversary.
let me know....
Maybe silly question but what was the orignal chassis base for 507? IS there any detailed technical specification available as it is for example for E10?