Coupe Tools

Same color difference by the way for the allen keys.
Top 2 of the first 3 pictures (size 6&8mm) are a tad more yellow, came from a recently aqcuired parts stash.
Bottom 3 keys (10/8/6mm) in the first 3 pic are more blueish (as chrome or bright zinc normally is). These blueish came from my may 73 CS Eu version.
In pictures of tools sets i get a feeling that the chromed / blue color is correct for e3/9's, or perhaps early e3/9's, and the more yellowish (Nickel?) plated versions of later e3/9's or perhaps post e3/9.

I will add another pic later as I have a 6th &7th allen key, which is different then the 2 styles pictured and described here. Edit: pic added 3rd version identified, last one in the row : these do not have "CHR-VAN", but the numbers are 90 rotated.

Also noticeable is
-the presence/absence of the words "CHR-VAN"
- The orientation of the number indicating the size. They are 90 degrees rotated between the 3 versions.
- the surface roughness: the 2 yellowed ones are very smooth with some lines in the drawing direction, the 3 brighter ones are showing small pits as if sandblasted prior tot chroming them.


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My jack also has a small rubber damper, as if it allows the jack to be turned all the way down, compressing the rubber a bit. The little rubber then prevents it from rattling.

Anyone else have this little rubber present, or was it an additional by previous owner?


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I dug out my feeler gauge today, and mine has not 3 blades (as on HB Chris' pics), but 4 blades. 0.20, 0.40, 0.60 and 0.70 mm. Just did a search on the forum, and I only come across other with 4 blades. Also the repro from CoupeKing has 4 blades.

@HB Chris I get the *feeling* that your feeler has a hidden 0.40 mm, or 2 original versions may exist.

As mine is a bit rusted; let see if I can polish it out.

edit : just for documentation purposes: here's the reproduction that is sold through CoupeKing: noticable difference is the style of the rivet (stainless steel instead or original brass, a slightly larger diameter and extra flange on inside and outside vs original):


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Oh boy. yet another 3 different style of small pliers, now there are 6 types that fit our tool trays...
If i have OCD; it's running in overtime mode....

#3 is matching the one in post 33.
new ones 4/5/6 that were not described here before.
#4 has "RSUa 160 Z" on each leg; one is at front, the other text is then on the back of the other leg. No wire cutters on the side of the head.
#5 is funny, as it is missing the pattern on the handle.
#6 has "HEYCO No. 1204" on both sides, and also a pattern that matches the long pliers: diamonds with a frame around it.


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Here's the world of pliers as I now see them. I have 9 versions myself. In Blumax' (Murray) toolset there is a another version which is close to my #2 but without the text. The one that HBChris has with "Heyco" on the head makes it #11 versions.

Besides the text differences, there are differences in head shape, chrome vs nickel plated, the pattern, and the frame around the pattern, presence of wire cutters in the hinge and the shape of the legs (single curve vs double curved).

Of these 11 versions I believe the left, no 1, is surely correct for an e9. It reads "Heyco 1200" on both legs, and has "w- germany" on the inside of the ends of both legs.

The version from Murray would possibly be correct as well, however his complete tool set has 3-4 other discrepancies that I can't figure out.

I just also checked the leg shape vs fitment in the tool tray, as the legs differ in shape and width. Conclusion is that one doesn't fit at all (#7, too wide) and some need some push to sit snugly. It is clear to see in the shape of the foam that the foam was made for pliers where the legs have double curve, and not be wider then 50 mm as in plier #1.
Pliers #7 is 55 mm at its widest point and clearly doesn't fit.
Pliers #6 again are nicely 50 mm at their widest, but then the ends of the legs are too close together with just 30 mm between the ends. It doesn't fit particularly weel in the foam spacing (last pic)

I am not yet sure (nor against) if the other versions could have been supplied with an e3/e9.


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Another tool related trivia; just noticed how one tool tray has normal bright zinced hinges ( well, they must have been bright at some point in their life).
The other tooltray I have has chromed hinges!

Here's a picture of them side by side, with a green pen to try and show the difference in reflection properties.
The zinced hinges were taken from a box that was beyond saving. I'm going to try and separate them and get them re-zinced.

The chromed one rusts and flakes like chrome does; the zinced one just shows whitish dulling.


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Indeed hard to tell from the pics, I tried to show it with the reflection of the green Sharpie. On the second pic the green pen gives a sharp reflection; on the part in the third picture there was just a vague whim of a reflection. I got the impression also by the corrosion behaviour, flaking shiny bits on one (just like my left rear bumper under rider...) and white (zinc) rust on the other.

So, not sure but it's a strong feeling; I'm no chrome expert, I never had anything re-chromed before for instance. I'll take the * chromed?* hinges to a chrome plater to ask their opinion as well to be sure. If they were chromed according to him, I'll have them re-chromed and post results here.
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While at a local shop trying to get my power steering hoses pressure tested, there was a beautiful e3 on display. It turned out to be from one of the guys working there.
While discussing some very pressing BMW matters , we also examined his tool set. I saw a very clean and complete toolkit, and surprisingly I saw an small red screwdriver in a version that I haven't seen before.

It has, just like Murray's Blumax, "10.000V" written on the handle, combined with a metal clip for the blade.

The car is a 74 model, the owner told me that he had no way of knowing if it was original to the car or not. The car was never restored, but merely kept fresh.


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While at a local shop trying to get my hoses pressure tested, there was a beautiful e3 on display. It turned out to be from one of the guys working there.
While discussing some very pressing BMW matters , we also examined his tool set. I saw a very clean and complete toolkit, and surprisingly I saw an screwdriver in a version that I haven't seen before.

It has, just like Murray's Blumax, "10.000V" written on the handle, combined with a metal clip for the blade.

The car is a 74 model, the owner had no way of knowing if it was original to the car or not.
I saw one today too but the 10,000 volts was much smaller, that makes two I have seen and yes they are rare. I still think these could be Porsche.
Our toolbox also has a 10*11 pipe wrench. I have 3 versions, not sure which one is original:

#1. is chromed, but the middle part is course. Text is in 3 lines: CHR.-VAN. | HEYCO | 10*11
#2. Is smooth chrome. Text is in 4 lines: HEYCO | CHR.-VAN. | 10*11 | W.-Germany
#3. is smooth chrome. Text is 3 lines: HEYCO . BMW | 10*11 | W.-Germany
#4. Is smooth chrome. Text is 2 lines: HEYCO.BMW | 10x11 (Moderator Edit: this is found in the 1979 528i e12)

Also the distance of the holes varies:
#1 and #2 have 73 mm from edge to edge (=79 mm center to center).
#3 and #4 the holes are closer together with 62 mm from edge to edge (68 mm center to center)

Anyone have inputs?


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Perhaps interesting as well; I've purchased some non e9 brochures. Some of BMW brochures actually have a toolbox picture, though detail is not optimal; it just a 3x6 cm / 1 by 2 inch picture.
Interesting to get a hard point on some post e9 toolbox contents. Here is the Feb 78 brochure for the 316/318/320/323i:


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How many other car companies post a picture of the tools that come with the car in their advertising brochures? (rhetorical question). The BMW tool set is a signature feature of our BMWs and other older models.

I know there are tool kits in the trunk lid of E39s...maybe E46s? Does BMW still include this type of kit in newer cars? If not, when did they stop?
I’m curious why no mention of the brown (plastic?) tool to the right of the 3 spark plugs? Assume it’s a spark plug tool. It’s missing in my set (along with the feeler tool) and I’m thinking of posting for one.
Just aquired a brochure on "Original BMW Zubehor" dated Feb 1974. It is the accessory catalogue. On the back is a nice image of a tool tray, from which it is clear to see that the small red screwdriver has a knurled crown, and not a round shaft.

I think at that time only the E9 and E3 had this tool tray; didn't the E12 and E24 have different shapes?

Thus, is it right to say that this picture must show an E3/E9 tray?


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I don't know the answer. But I think it is not uncommon for the marketing folks to receive early mock-ups for these photoshoots. Maybe not exactly what was put into production.?. But if this is this case, it is pretty amazing as I have at least 3 red handled screwdrivers with smooth shafts (all wrong?). :)