Apologies to Nicad, not only did we hijack his very cool thread but we proceeded to create quite a hairball! I hate to admit it but there may be some truth to my wife's admonishment that I'm not as funny as I think I am. On the other hand many of you forum members are quite "quick of wit". I guess I could have seen this coming so I will do my best to scoot over to the "off-topic" section next time I have the urge to comment on a strictly non-automotive theme.
Bringing it back around, when I was younger (much) I used to race-if you can call it that-in the SCORE circuit in CA, AZ and Mexico, we raced a class 6 Saab. I have always wanted to do that again so maybe my next project will be an e9 off-road vehicle, so I guess I'm on the hunt for a junker that can be stripped down for that purpose. It would be great to do it with entirely "donated" parts- just throwing that out there- we could paint the car forum colors and attract some attention to our little society, and maybe get Arde a few more votes
Bringing it back around, when I was younger (much) I used to race-if you can call it that-in the SCORE circuit in CA, AZ and Mexico, we raced a class 6 Saab. I have always wanted to do that again so maybe my next project will be an e9 off-road vehicle, so I guess I'm on the hunt for a junker that can be stripped down for that purpose. It would be great to do it with entirely "donated" parts- just throwing that out there- we could paint the car forum colors and attract some attention to our little society, and maybe get Arde a few more votes