Barn Find - Restoration Opportunity

Well bought!

There appears to be extra tools in the kit. Let me know if you ever want to create more space by getting rid of that bulky large red handle screwdriver.
I'm the master at that but this one might be a challenge...perhaps have Mario do some sorting for you thus creating a laundering opportunity to minimize the audit impact when it finally arrives :razz:

Just transferred! Very excited- need tips on hiding from wife :-)
The best course of action (if you are not already married) is to propose to your fiance IN the coupe. The sentimental value = priceless.

Next up would be a wedding anniversary Hill Country winery tour in the coupe, etc.

Thanks for all your kind words of encouragement!

I'll try to spare you all "TMI", but might not succeed;
Wife- overly suspicious to begin with-
Wife-usually right.
Wife-considers all cars with only 2 doors sexually distracting and a threat.
Wife- "it's not the money, it's the time you spending doing who knows what with who knows whom".
Regarding proposal in the coupe;
Me- Marriage is grand!
Wife- "Divorce is 500 grand" (and that's before she takes the cars).
Heaven help this fool!

best advice - use cash or cashier's check (from cash) as much as possible, as that makes the paper trail a lot more invisible. have the parts sent to your place of work and you sneak it home when the coast is clear.

that has worked well for me in both wine collecting and the coupe.

DCG will get you a fake Kiwi passport, you can hide in New Zealand.
Have Mario do the 5-speed and the RHD conversion in case your exile lasts long.

Make a project page to monitor the project.
Just transferred! Very excited- need tips on hiding from wife :-)

I went through the same problems with my 2002 (Purchased while family was on vacation, stored off site).

The other day I was asked about my BMW and she knew I had a 1998 M3. Oh I said the 2002?? She said what does that one look like? It appears I now have the 2002 in the official inventory. Sometimes it works if your significant other has zero interest in your hobby.

I suggest you show her a photo of a CSL with the asking price and show her a picture of your fixer upper. This might mean that it gets traded in for a new bathroom or SUV though.
The 2nd coupe conundrum...

By the way, I'm flattered by my being mentioned in this thread. Kiwi passport ....

But... 2nd coupe purchase was with full disclosure to wife (she loves e9s btw)

It was a given that she would have full access to the new one as well as having a long discussion regarding color change. Agreed on chamonix.

But now she wants to drive the Verona one. (Mine!)

Go figure. DCG.
My solution is to

always buy your SO a gift of roughly similar value (well, at least with the same number of digits to the left of the decimal point). If your SO considers an old car a gift, they you're a very lucky person (and I hate you).

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dp, I'm thinking that may be the predominant origin of the term "barn find"; hide from wife in barn- never get a chance to use it, die from old age, wife finds out and sells for pennies on the dollar. In all honesty though my wife is a "car girl", she's just not a "me girl". She used to be both then she got on the right medication- so she says. :-)
Delivered this morning

I was hoping to have her yesterday but the driver never showed up. I got a call around 10 am this morning and met the driver at my warehouse. Looked around the car and we grabbed some coffee. All looked good..really good. After making some room in the warehouse for her I drove her around the block.. that's when the reality of a 11K rust free coupe sets in. Mario did a nice job cleaning her up and painting some panels and fixing some scratches so she looks like a gem, but the reality is that almost every exterior and underneath part will have to come off the car from the brakes to the engine and trans. The steering box feels like there are rocks in it and she does sag a bit so springs and shocks, bushings, and as you know the list goes on :-). So, another trip into the lions' den. The good news is that at least she made it around the block! Oh, it looks like there is an original red handled screwdriver in the toolkit- so I'm already ahead!


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Congrats on your second addition to the family!

I was hoping to have her yesterday but the driver never showed up. I got a call around 10 am this morning and met the driver at my warehouse. Looked around the car and we grabbed some coffee. All looked good..really good. After making some room in the warehouse for her I drove her around the block.. that's when the reality of a 11K rust free coupe sets in. Mario did a nice job cleaning her up and painting some panels and fixing some scratches so she looks like a gem, but the reality is that almost every exterior and underneath part will have to come off the car from the brakes to the engine and trans. The steering box feels like there are rocks in it and she does sag a bit so springs and shocks, bushings, and as you know the list goes on :-). So, another trip into the lions' den. The good news is that at least she made it around the block! Oh, it looks like there is an original red handled screwdriver in the toolkit- so I'm already ahead!

You got a really great buy. I wanted that car, glad I didn't call Mario. I decided it would be better to put more money in my CSi and Packard to make it them even better, than buy another car I can't drive in the winter, so I bought a winter car too.

Glad the CS went to someone who appreciates it.

Please keep us posted. :D