Glad you have these Mo. Will point any printed face plate customers your way...
Thanks Markos, you have also done a fine job on the printed AC components.
FYI there are only 7 left of the e9 specific design.
Glad you have these Mo. Will point any printed face plate customers your way...
Payment sent, I just realised this was an older post came up in my feed today so I may have missed the boat, let me know.
Thanks John,
I will send you a PM with shipping payment/confirmation.
FYI I am having a very small batch of these re-made in both stencils & lettering so if anyone else is interested please let me know.
Hi Mo, are these stencils still available? If so, are you in Seattle? I can come by and pick them up if you are.
Also, if you have the stencils for a 5 speed overdrive available, I would love to include that.
Thanks SteveI believe Stan still has some of those