Correct German plates

Not strange at all. Period correct as well :)

I germany there is no standard for the mounting holes like there is in the US (also these days the plates on new cars are mostly mounted with frame surrounds (with dealer scripts) that provide the mounting holes.

Period correct is: bring your own drill
Most would have been mounted with 2 bolts shot through the plate somewhere in the middle. There are plastic caps (black or white) to cover up the bolts.

Only in factory catalogues the plates magically hold onto the car without bolts....
I've got a strange German plate that came with my coupe. It is in the shape of an ellipse, has a state crest, and far fewer numbers. I'll try to take a picture of it for you guys, or find one like it.
Oval plates are known as tourist plates good for a short period of time until the car is exported. Is that what you mean by ellipse?
Oval plates are known as tourist plates good for a short period of time until the car is exported. Is that what you mean by ellipse?

Looks like it.
