Craigslist BMW Finds:

Why do I look at this thread. :mad:

Ugh that car. It caught my attention right away. The roof is mangled but the rest of the car is very clean. Portland is chock full of cheap donor roofs also. I would argue that Portland has the best old BMW market in the country. California has a lot of nice restored cars but the craigslist survivors don't last a day.
Ugh that car. It caught my attention right away. The roof is mangled but the rest of the car is very clean. Portland is chock full of cheap donor roofs also. I would argue that Portland has the best old BMW market in the country. California has a lot of nice restored cars but the craigslist survivors don't last a day.

Buy it, I'll store it for you. ;)


Sincere question — not questioning. Why damn it? Touch up paint & bubbles likely from lack of gasket seal on tail light?

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My guess is because gaskets are not cheap anymore. Relative to a restoration they're not expensive, but parts like that add up fast and some decide to skip them...
My son just finished college in Portland and wants to buy a car (with what money???), He wants me and mum to fly out and we all drive back to MA together. While the last thing we need is another car (3.0 cs, Bavaria, e24 M6, e24 635, x3, 335i, 67 mustang, Acura TLS), I am viewing it as a bonding experience. The kid sends me photos of vintage BMW's every day he sees around Portland. Crap no, no, no, yes?
My son just finished college in Portland and wants to buy a car (with what money???), He wants me and mum to fly out and we all drive back to MA together. While the last thing we need is another car (3.0 cs, Bavaria, e24 M6, e24 635, x3, 335i, 67 mustang, Acura TLS), I am viewing it as a bonding experience. The kid sends me photos of vintage BMW's every day he sees around Portland. Crap no, no, no, yes?

There is a lot to like about the green one. I’m a sucker for that green on tobacco though.

Great experience however!
....and once you clear the Portland area, you can actually achieve a speed in excess of 25 mph !

But only in a Prius equipped with Greenpeace bumper stickers...
I was in a rental car in Portland and a kid went through a stop sign and slammed into the side of my car. I had granola crunchers yelling at me like it was my fault. Policeman came over to me and apologized for the way they were treating me. The he added , I'm originally from Eugene so I got your back.
I was in a rental car in Portland and a kid went through a stop sign and slammed into the side of my car. I had granola crunchers yelling at me like it was my fault. Policeman came over to me and apologized for the way they were treating me. The he added , I'm originally from Eugene so I got your back.
In today's car culture there are new rules:
Red Lights mean slow a bit, close eyes, go!
Stop Signs are really Yields
And Yields mean if we make eye contact I do not have to Yield. Actually I now have the Right-of-Way. Even if we do not make eye contact.

This clearly explains Bob's accident above.
There's nothing worse than a self righteous mellennium , back in my day they were known as violent hippies, you know- the guys with peace signs on their cars and handguns in their glove boxes. (SSDD)