Dealing with Albert (Candia4441)


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I would like to share my experience with Albert.

I shipped to him a set of chrome trims for the steering wheel.
To speed up the process I shipped the parts immediately as Albert claimed to be unable to pay any other way than shipping money in the envelope which is forbidden in Poland (probably not only).
I thought I will make it easier by exchanging to some parts Albert promised to have for sale.
He was fine with that.
I sent the list and there was no answer for a long time.
After some weeks trims has been delivered and accepted by Albert and that time I refresh my proposal of parts exchange.
He promised he will check.
After another weeks I have reminded him about my request.
He provided picture of the part I was not looking for and was not on my list I have provided.
I resent my list and he promised to sort things out but nothing has happened.
After another bunch of days I asked him to help me close that and check the parts.
He amazed by calling me other name I have and he was willing once again to send money via post for strange address (not mine) and I refused.
Today I pass this (let him keep the parts for free) and I have wrote him I do not want to have anything in common.

I do not know if Albert is still Albert.
It is a mystery he mixed me up with other guy.
He did not spent any minute to read our communication despite the fact I asked you to do so to avoid confusions.

I do not know what to say.

Maybe he's lost in his stuff.
Maybe he's too busy to spent time on checking his messages - no idea.

I would like to let you know my story as potential risk.

I believe this is only I and it is a black energy between us... I would like to know the reason.

You can take my experience as some input for future business with Albert but I'm not pushing for that. Could be CONUS contacts are fine and it was some other issue on the line.

I have just felt responsible to let you know and make you aware but my loss is nothing in comparison to some other - more expensive stuff which could be a point

I'm sorry for being a bad news messenger. I hope it will never take place while dealing with Albert but I need to pass this case having not time and no energy to deal with that Member.
FYI, I have dealt with @Krzysztof before and he is a top class gentleman I am sure he did everything in his power to make this transaction as smooth as possible.

Very sorry to hear this, Chris!
I also have nothing but praise for @Krzysztof about his transactions, his efforts to create unobtanium parts and his friendship, i do hope that it was just a matter of misunderstanding. (There may also be some language barrier!)

Kris, if you want me to be some sort of middle man please let me know. I have relatives in the US that could possibly aid in the transmission of funds. And, as you know, I still have a section of my E9's floor panel that i'll be sending you.

I've come to know Albert only a little bit through his many posts. I have a feeling that Albert is not the type of guy who wants to rip off someone; he's engagned in the forum to such a level where the benefits of having a good name and the sought and given advise from other forum members outweigh a hundred euro/dollars.

I think you're both true gentleman. I think we can collectively solve this one without anyone having bad feelings once finished.
Let me know if i can help / be a middle man.

our E9's need us!
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For what it’s worth, I dealt with Albert recently and he did send me some money by post. It wasn’t painless but we got there in the end
Albert, if you want to keep your reputation and "name" on this board intact, jump in now! Krzysztof is too kind and too generous in his description of his dealings with you.
He is giving you the benefit of the doubt 10 fold.
Many of us have had dealings with Kris, and we have all, and I do mean all, found him to be honest, responsive and generous to a fault. This is no way to treat Kris or any other seller, anywhere. I will stop here, leaving much unsaid.

I would like to share my experience with Albert.

I shipped to him a set of chrome trims for the steering wheel.
To speed up the process I shipped the parts immediately as Albert claimed to be unable to pay any other way than shipping money in the envelope which is forbidden in Poland (probably not only).
I thought I will make it easier by exchanging to some parts Albert promised to have for sale.
He was fine with that.
I sent the list and there was no answer for a long time.
After some weeks trims has been delivered and accepted by Albert and that time I refresh my proposal of parts exchange.
He promised he will check.
After another weeks I have reminded him about my request.
He provided picture of the part I was not looking for and was not on my list I have provided.
I resent my list and he promised to sort things out but nothing has happened.
After another bunch of days I asked him to help me close that and check the parts.
He amazed by calling me other name I have and he was willing once again to send money via post for strange address (not mine) and I refused.
Today I pass this (let him keep the parts for free) and I have wrote him I do not want to have anything in common.

I do not know if Albert is still Albert.
It is a mystery he mixed me up with other guy.
He did not spent any minute to read our communication despite the fact I asked you to do so to avoid confusions.

I do not know what to say.

Maybe he's lost in his stuff.
Maybe he's too busy to spent time on checking his messages - no idea.

I would like to let you know my story as potential risk.

I believe this is only I and it is a black energy between us... I would like to know the reason.

You can take my experience as some input for future business with Albert but I'm not pushing for that. Could be CONUS contacts are fine and it was some other issue on the line.

I have just felt responsible to let you know and make you aware but my loss is nothing in comparison to some other - more expensive stuff which could be a point

I'm sorry for being a bad news messenger. I hope it will never take place while dealing with Albert but I need to pass this case having not time and no energy to deal with that Member.
He is absolutely right he did send it to me and was very nice and good quality, but I never had any address from him to send him his money or one of the part I have, to be a busy is something but I need you address that I never had I told you how I can pay before you sheep it, however all the body part you want I do not have it now once again if you are not excepting the envelop I like to send your part back to you where do I send your part, I send 3 email asking your address. it was very interesting childish story
I have bought parts from Albert. I found him easy to deal with, more than fair on price. Shipped quickly and packed well. No complaints. Krzysztof's reputation on the forum is sterling.

My guess is that this incident is a misunderstanding maybe caused by language differences? I'm sure it can be resolved satisfactorily for both.

Thank you for Your kind involvement.

Story with Albert is way before he was willing to buy the chrome trims.
It is just all about two things
1. Quality of response - we are all busy but after several reminders I lost hope
2. Way to payment - I can't accept shipping money in a letter as forbidden in Europe at least

Albert was open to pay but only with cash payment is not an option I can accept being located in Europe.
It is strange for me Albert is not using PayPal, Bank transfer, MoneyGram, ... His right - my bad.

That was my mistake I assumed payment will not be a problem.

But I thought Albert having (according to his statements on the Forum) a lot of parts I proposed to take some parts from Albert with potential balance from my side.
Albert was fine with the proposal but have been lost in time.
I do not have time to communicate daily, putting trust in Albert - that was my mistake.
After several reminders Albert come back and mixed my name, address and my needs regarding E9 parts.

That time it was too much for me - I'm sorry. I decided to cut this topic as it is too exhausting, non productive and annoying in the end.

Some may think I'm the bad guy not giving "another" chance. I'm fine with such judgement. I would like just to clear the record and move on with other topics.

Probably for people located in US would be not the case, but I was dealing with many of You in the past and ALL of the transaction were great. I'm really happy as a seller and as a buyer.

I wish Albert and All that No One will have such a problem with E9 Member in the future.

All in All I'm not saying "Don't deal with Albert". I've just decided - hope I have the right for - to skip and cancel any communication with Albert. Maybe this will be a lessons learned for me and some of You on the Forum I love. We are All one Team and E3/E9s are keeping us together despite some "accidents" happening.

Wish You All the best and see You on another E3/E9-related thread on This Great Forum!
I have bought parts from Albert. I found him easy to deal with, more than fair on price. Shipped quickly and packed well. No complaints. Krzysztof's reputation on the forum is sterling.

My guess is that this incident is a misunderstanding maybe caused by language differences? I'm sure it can be resolved satisfactorily for both.
Hello, Mr. Kris is very nice guy and talented guy he wants thing that I dont have and he gets upset about it why it took long, and when I ask his address to send money he told me in his country is forbidden, to send cash, ok all it is 60 Dollar that I owe you, what kind of body part you can buy for $60, what I have is fog light that new fog light is $200 it is used and is worthed $100 , even if I have the body parts that he wants, and I want to give away for $60, where do I send this parts, is not the money please I am asking the people that I give away parts for free come in and comment about this, not to long ago that I don't even remember the name of the person, I let him come my home and take the trans mision or gear box it was my old one 4 speed I never ask for money or my old def it was open def since I add LSD on my Malaga, you name it I send parts for free, but Kris I don't know what he wants from me, all I owe him $60 and he want body parts that worth 2 or 3000 dollar the body parts that is very hard to fined and all I owe him $60 Please give me your address I don't want your part, I want to send it back plus the price of you part plus the fog light that you wanted and corner light that you wanted. you are so secretive many people have my address and nothing is happening everyone hear are friend, we don't afraid of friends, one more time I know you are upset that it took long but get over it, if I had your address it was a day that I was free I could go to post office and send your parts, I am not retired, I am running construction company and I don't have much of a free time. SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE.
He is absolutely right he did send it to me and was very nice and good quality, but I never had any address from him to send him his money...
Albert, you've received the parts to your satisfaction. If you don't have a PayPal account, and Krzysztof does not accept foreign cash or credit card payments, then find a family member, friend or acquaintance of yours who has a PayPal account, give that person your cash and have that person make a PayPal payment to Krzysztof.
Just to provide an offical statement.

It is not about the money I'm missing. This is my hobby, not living.
I'm truly happy Albert like the quality of the trims and I'm happy he will be using it!
My decision was to cut the discussion and to go on with other topics.
No offense, no regrets.

So, summarizing, the outcome of my message in one sentence should probably be like that:

"Albert is very busy man and he's not using electronic payments method (also very popular here in construction teams). But he's still honest and good guy!"

It's a message important for people from outside US as probably is it not a big deal locally.

By the way...

May I ask is the cash can be sent in a letter in the countries you are living in?

Here it is forbidden. Regulation to cut the cash off completely from the market are visible.
It is perfectly fine to send cash in an envelope within the US, but can easily be stolen.

Albert, follow the suggestion of @Jon B and have a friend paypal the money to him. I think that is reasonable to ask.

If it is illegal to receive cash in an envelope in Poland, I can understand why. The police might think the recipient is up to criminal activity.
For the sake of the board- Albert, I will pay the 60.00 via PayPal to Krzysztof for you.
You can send 60.00 to me by mail or in person the next time I drive throughLA.
LMK if this works for you.
Albert and those of you who are still valiantly resisting electronic payments and banking, like I once did, you will eventually give up, surrender, wave the white flag and become part of this Not-So-Brave New world. We are the new breed of POWs.

Scary Story: Guy is forced by his bank into online banking. Signs into his account one day, finds himself on the screen of woman in FL. He is in NYC. Even with his limited skills and online banking experience he realizes he controls her screen. He can do anything he wants with her account. Calls Bank of America, talks to four agents before anyone takes him seriously. Problem solved? Nope. Weeks later he ends up on her screen again.

And so it goes.
Scary Story: Guy is forced by his bank into online banking. Signs into his account one day, finds himself on the screen of woman in FL. He is in NYC. Even with his limited skills and online banking experience he realizes he controls her screen. He can do anything he wants with her account. Calls Bank of America, talks to four agents before anyone takes him seriously. Problem solved? Nope. Weeks later he ends up on her screen again.
Talk about co-mingling assets! That story has legs if you just let it develop, especially when you got to the part where he controls her screen...
It would be scary if you told me that they eventually ended married and the four agents were the witnesses.
Right, Arde. I see a three season, six episodes per season Netflix streaming show. Brad Pitt as the guy who ends up on th screen of the woman(Jennifer Anniston) in FL.
the four agents are played by the Marx Brothers. The guy isin Tribecca, the woman in Naples, Bank of America the agents in New Delhi.

What a hoot.
Right, Arde. I see a three season, six episodes per season Netflix streaming show. Brad Pitt as the guy who ends up on th screen of the woman(Jennifer Anniston) in FL.
the four agents are played by the Marx Brothers. The guy isin Tribecca, the woman in Naples, Bank of America the agents in New Delhi.

What a hoot.
Yes, two of the agents (Groucho and Harpo) must wear long pajamas!
I can even get Bofa to sponsor it.