I here + agree what you say about keeping politics out of it, and i will do my best. i am reminded of a long poem from Lawrence Ferlinghetti - 'I am waiting' ... its a good read and somewhat relevant even though it was written in 1958. but what i am waiting to see is for our governments to find common bonds from both sides and just do the right thing ... to regain common sense ... to unite rather than divide ... to celebrate the best of individuals and see how it adds to the collective. if government could do its job, perhaps it could be almost invisible. if does me good to see multi-race participation in peaceful protesting. history will remind us that throughout the world, revolution has risen when the majority of the people have not been represented or displaced for the betterment of a few. its quite simple, yes black lives matter ... brown lives matter - but the pivot, is perhaps to be correct, that ALL lives matter - and most importantly, equally. We as a people need to care about more than ourselves and care about the success, safety and happiness of all.
okay, i yield the soapbox ...
one more thing ... i just saw an interesting piece on CBS Sunday Morning from Ted Koppel ... 'how the world now sees us'. its worth a listen
International observers, both America's friends and adversaries, discuss the rise of anger, unrest and polarization in the United States – a nation, they say, that is relinquishing its global leadership and turning its back on the world. Special contributor Ted Koppel talks with Chinese...