You need to go through your car and fix the many small problems to get a top price.
missing body plug, wrong battery hold down, negative battery ground, double nutted bolt, wrong colored wiring, wrong color air box, door brake pin falling out, Wrong hose clamps, wrong hardware, green wire going to ground, wrong electrical boots, extra rubber seals that don’t belong on car, incomplete tool kit, worn dipstick, 2 VIN plates, damaged air box, wrong cold air tube, miss-matched springs, worn battery cable, missing Jack and tool. And more.
Do you have another picture of your head without the valve cover on and the engine harness out of the way? In the picture you show on BAT it appears your oil bar may be on backwards. Did you verify the arrow was pointing to the front of the engine?
missing body plug, wrong battery hold down, negative battery ground, double nutted bolt, wrong colored wiring, wrong color air box, door brake pin falling out, Wrong hose clamps, wrong hardware, green wire going to ground, wrong electrical boots, extra rubber seals that don’t belong on car, incomplete tool kit, worn dipstick, 2 VIN plates, damaged air box, wrong cold air tube, miss-matched springs, worn battery cable, missing Jack and tool. And more.
Do you have another picture of your head without the valve cover on and the engine harness out of the way? In the picture you show on BAT it appears your oil bar may be on backwards. Did you verify the arrow was pointing to the front of the engine?
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